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All questions of Bipolar Junction Transistors for GATE Physics Exam

Which of the following are true in case of negative feedback amplifiers. 
  • a)
    Bandwidth of the amplifier decreases 
  • b)
    Stability of the amplifier decreases
  • c)
    Noise of the amplifier decreases
  • d)
    Distortion of the amplifier decreases
Correct answer is option 'A,C,D'. Can you explain this answer?

Jayant Mishra answered
Negative feedback amplifiers are specifically designed to improve the stability of the amplifier, decrease the distortion of the amplifiers, noise in the amplifier and bandwidth of the amplifier.
The correct answers are: Distortion of the amplifier decreases, Noise of the amplifier decreases, Bandwidth of the amplifier decreases

A common emitter transistor amplifier circuit is operated under a fixed bias. In this circuit, the operating point.
  • a)
    moves towards the saturation region with an increase in temperature
  • b)
    moves towards the saturation region with a decrease in temperature
  • c)
    remains fixed with an increase in temperature
  • d)
    moves toward cut-off region with an increase in temperature
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Pie Academy answered
The common emitter circuit configuration provides voltage gain combined with a moderate current gain, as well as a medium input and a medium output impedance. As such the common emitter configuration is a good all round circuit for use in many applications.
It is also worth noting at this stage that the common emitter transistor amplifier inverts the signal at the input. Therefore if a waveform that is rising enters the input of the common emitter amplifier, it will cause the output voltage to fall. In other words it has a 180° phase change across the circuit.
Dependent upon the actual electronic circuit design itself, the common emitter does not use too many electronic components, sometimes as few as two resistors, although if the bias needs setting for analogue circuits, then four resistors and three capacitors may be used.
In fixed bias, when temperature is increased, the operating point moves toward the saturation region.
The correct answer is: moves towards the saturation region with a decrease in temperature

The frequency response curve of a RC coupled amplifier is shown in the given diagram.Based on it, what is the bandwidth?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Vedika Singh answered
The difference of frequencies when amplitude becomes 70% of maximum is called as bandwidth.
Hence, bandwidth = 
The correct answer is:

Which of the following are essential for maintaining oscillations in an oscillator ?
  • a)
    Design of load (phase shifting network)
  • b)
    Positive feedback
  • c)
    Non-linear biasing circuit
  • d)
    High gain amplifier
Correct answer is option 'A,B,C,D'. Can you explain this answer?

Jayant Mishra answered
For maintaining oscillation in an oscillator, all the four options above are required which are positive feedback, phase shifting network, non-linear biasing circuit and high gain amplifier. Without any one of the above, we will not obtain a sustained oscillation in an oscillator.
The correct answers are: Positive feedback, Design of load (phase shifting network), Non-linear biasing circuit, High gain amplifier

Choose the following options in respect of a BJT connected in the common-emitter configuration.
  • a)
    Voltage gain is medium
  • b)
    Low input impedance
  • c)
    Low Power gain
  • d)
    Highest power gain
Correct answer is option 'A,B,D'. Can you explain this answer?

Jayant Mishra answered
If BJT connected in common emitter configurations, the power gain is highest, voltage gain is medium, input impedence is low.
The correct answers are: Voltage gain is medium, Low input impedance , Highest power gain

Consider the following statements about an oscillator and choose which of them are true. An oscillator
  • a)
    has noise as the initial signal
  • b)
    consists of a noise injecting network
  • c)
    consists of a frequency selecting network
  • d)
    consists of a positive feedback amplifier
Correct answer is option 'A,C,D'. Can you explain this answer?

Vanshika Patel answered
An oscillator is an electronic circuit that generates a periodic waveform, typically a sinusoidal waveform, with a constant frequency. It is an essential component in many electronic devices, including radios, televisions, and computers. In order to understand which statements about an oscillator are true, let's analyze each option in detail.

a) Has noise as the initial signal:
This statement is true. In an oscillator, noise can act as the initial signal that triggers the oscillation. Noise refers to random fluctuations in voltage or current that can be present in any electronic circuit. In an oscillator, this noise can initiate the oscillation process, which then generates a stable periodic waveform.

b) Consists of a noise injecting network:
This statement is false. An oscillator does not typically consist of a noise injecting network. Instead, it relies on the inherent noise present in the electronic components and the circuit itself to initiate the oscillation.

c) Consists of a frequency selecting network:
This statement is true. An oscillator consists of a frequency selecting network, which determines the desired frequency of the output waveform. This network can include components such as capacitors, inductors, and resistors that create a resonant circuit with a specific frequency.

d) Consists of a positive feedback amplifier:
This statement is true. An oscillator consists of a positive feedback amplifier. The positive feedback loop in the amplifier provides the necessary gain to sustain the oscillation. It amplifies the output signal and feeds it back to the input, reinforcing the oscillation.

In conclusion, the true statements about an oscillator are:
- It has noise as the initial signal.
- It consists of a frequency selecting network.
- It consists of a positive feedback amplifier.

Calculate VCE in the figure (in volts).
    Correct answer is '2.26'. Can you explain this answer?

    Vedika Singh answered
    First check to see if Rin (Base) can be neglected.

    =150 x kΩ = 150kΩ
    Since 150kΩ is more than 10 times R2. The condition  is met and Rin(base) can be neglected.

    = 6.88 V
    Then, VE = VB + VBE
    = 6.88 + 0.7
    VE = 7.58V

     lE = 2.42 mA
    From IE we can determine lc and VCE

    and VC = ICRC = 2.42 mA x 2.2kΩ
    = 5.32

    = 2.26V
    The correct answer is: 2.26

    Which of the following factors affect the frequency stability of an oscillator ?
    • a)
      temperature variation
    • b)
      Inter element capacitances and stray capacitances
    • c)
      output load
    • d)
      coil size
    Correct answer is option 'A,B,D'. Can you explain this answer?

    Jayant Mishra answered
    The stability of an oscillator depends on (i) inter element capacitances and stray capacitances (ii) temperature variation (iii) size of coil used It does not depend on the load.
    The correct answers are: coil size, temperature variation, Inter element capacitances and stray capacitances

    If the transistor amplifier has a gain of 20dB, then the ratio of output to input power is :
      Correct answer is '100'. Can you explain this answer?

      Vedika Singh answered
      The ratio of output to input power is known as power amplification.

      The logarithm of the power amplification is represented in bel.

      he correct answer is: 100

      For the circuit shown below, the value of IC is: 
      Correct answer is '4.12'. Can you explain this answer?

      Vivek Khatri answered
      DC Analysis of BJT Amplifier
      During the calculation of the DC parameter of a BJT amplifier, the capacitor is open-circuited.

      A crystal oscillator provides a very stable frequency because of.
      • a)
        high stability of the crystal
      • b)
        low   ratio of the crystal
      • c)
        high Q of the crystal 
      • d)
        the rigid crystal structure
      Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

      Jayant Mishra answered
      Sharpness is the measurement of the stability. Sharpness increases means durability increases, since sharpness is directly proportional to quality factor Q. Hence, a crystal oscillator provides stable frequency because of high Q of the crystal.
      The correct answer is: high Q of the crystal

      What is the current gain for a common-base configuration where IE = 4.2 mA and IC = 4.0 mA?
        Correct answer is between '0.95,0.96'. Can you explain this answer?

        Vedika Singh answered
        Ie = 4.2ma (Given)
        Ic = 4.0ma (Given)
        The question follows the common base configuration in the circuit configuration of a bipolar transistor, where the emitter is the input electrode, collector is the output electrode and the base is reference electrode for both input and the output.  
        Current gain = Ic / Ie  =I(out)/I(in)
        where, IC=Output Current and IE = Input Current
        = 4 / 4.2
        = 0.95
        Therefore, the current gain for a common-base configuration is 0.95

        An electronic oscillator gives sustained oscillations when the feedback is.
        • a)
          in phase with the input
        • b)
        • c)
        • d)
          out of phase with input
        Correct answer is option 'A,B'. Can you explain this answer?

        Jayant Mishra answered
        An electronic oscillator gives sustained oscillations when the feedback is negative and in phase with the input.
        The correct answers are: negative, in phase with the input

        For a transistor circuit, VCE when Vin = 0V (in volts).

          Correct answer is '10'. Can you explain this answer?

          Jayant Mishra answered
          When Vin = 0V, the transistor is in cut-off (acts like an open switch) and VCE =VCC = 10V.
          The correct answer is: 10

          Calculate the value of VCE (in Volts) for the circuit shown below. (β = 100 and VBE =0.7V).
            Correct answer is '6.22'. Can you explain this answer?

            Pie Academy answered
            Let us use Thevenin’s theorem

            Now, applying KVL to Base circuit

            = 9.45 μA
            lC = 0.945mA
            Now, Vcc = IcRc
            - VCE

            The correct answer is: 6.22

            The dc load line of an amplifier circuit.
            • a)
              ​contains the Q - point
            • b)
              has a curvature
            • c)
              has a positive slope 
            • d)
              has a negative slope
            Correct answer is option 'A,D'. Can you explain this answer?

            Jayant Mishra answered

            The dc load line has a negative slope and Q-point lies on this line.
            The correct answers are: contains the Q - point, has a negative slope

            Which of the following are associated with diffusion current.
            • a)
              base current
            • b)
              emitter-base junction current
            • c)
              emitter-base current
            • d)
              base-collector junction current
            Correct answer is option 'B,D'. Can you explain this answer?

            Jayant Mishra answered
            Emitter-base junction current and base-collector current are mainly due to diffusion current.
            The correct answers are: emitter-base junction current, base-collector junction current

            With the positive probe on an NPN base, an ohmmeter reading between the other transistor terminals should be:
            • a)
            • b)
            • c)
              low resistance
            • d)
              high resistance
            Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

            Arnav Sharma answered

            When an ohmmeter is connected to an NPN transistor with the positive probe on the base terminal, the reading between the other transistor terminals (collector and emitter) should be low resistance. This can be explained as follows:

            1. NPN Transistor Structure:
            An NPN transistor consists of three layers of semiconductor material: the emitter, base, and collector. These layers are doped with different types of impurities to create two pn junctions: the base-emitter junction (BE junction) and the base-collector junction (BC junction).

            2. Base-Emitter Junction:
            The base-emitter junction is forward-biased when a positive voltage is applied to the base terminal with respect to the emitter. This forward bias allows current to flow from the emitter to the base. The forward bias voltage causes the electrons from the emitter to move towards the base, creating a flow of majority charge carriers (electrons) through the base-emitter junction.

            3. Base-Collector Junction:
            The base-collector junction is reverse-biased when a positive voltage is applied to the collector terminal with respect to the base. This reverse bias prevents current flow through the base-collector junction. However, a small amount of current flows due to minority charge carriers (holes) from the base region being swept into the collector region.

            4. Ohmmeter Reading:
            When the positive probe of the ohmmeter is connected to the base terminal, it applies a positive voltage to the base with respect to the other transistor terminals.

            - Collector-Emitter Reading: The collector-emitter junction is reverse-biased, so the ohmmeter reading between these terminals should be high resistance or open. This is because the reverse bias prevents current flow through the base-collector junction, and the ohmmeter measures the resistance between the collector and emitter.

            - Base-Emitter Reading: The base-emitter junction is forward-biased, so the ohmmeter reading between these terminals should be low resistance. This is because the forward bias allows current flow through the base-emitter junction, and the ohmmeter measures the resistance between the base and emitter.

            Therefore, when an ohmmeter is connected to an NPN transistor with the positive probe on the base terminal, the reading between the other transistor terminals should be low resistance. This indicates that the base-emitter junction is conducting, while the base-collector junction is not conducting.

            In common emitter mode, the input characteristics of a BJT is the variation of :
            • a)
              lB versus VCE at Constant VBE
            • b)
              lC versus VCE at Constant VBE
            • c)
              lC versus VCE at Constant IBE
            • d)
              lB versus VBE at Constant VCE
            Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

            Jayant Mishra answered
            In common emitter mode, lE = lB + lC
            The input characteristics of the transistor represents the variation of base current lB with base emitter voltage VBE keeping VCE fixed.
            The correct answer is: lB versus VBE at Constant VCE

            The equivalent electrical circuit of a vibrating crystal is as shown below.
            • a)
            • b)
            • c)
            • d)
            Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

            Pie Academy answered
            Since C and Cm are parallel, the equivalent capacitance is given as:
            Ceq=c + cm

            The correct answer is: 

            If a sinusoidal voltage is applied to the base of a biased npn transistor and resulting sinusoidal collector voltage is clipped near zero volts, the transistor is.
            • a)
              being driven into saturation
            • b)
              being driven into cut-off 
            • c)
              operating non-linearly
            • d)
              none of these 
            Correct answer is option 'A,C'. Can you explain this answer?

            Jayant Mishra answered
            Here, the transistor is being driven into saturation which is also a non-linear response. The transistor will not be driven into the cut-off region.
            The correct answers are: being driven into stauration, operating non-linearly

            Which one of the following statements is true for a semiconductor p - n junction with no-external bias?
            • a)
              The p-side of the junction is negatively charged
            • b)
              No charge develops anywhere in the junction
            • c)
              The p-side of the junction is positively charged
            • d)
              The total charge in the junction is not conserved
            Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

            Jayant Mishra answered
            The region containing the uncomposed acceptor and and donor ions is called depletion region i.e., there is a depletion of mobile charge (holes and free electrons) in this region. Since, this region has immobile ions which are electrically charge, it is also referred to as the space charge region. The electrical field between the acceptor and the donor ions is called a barrier. It is clear that p-side of the junction is negatively charged.
            The correct answer is: The p-side of the junction is negatively charged

            The main function of coupling capacitor in an RC coupled common emitter amplifier is to :
            • a)
              increase the gain of the amplifier
            • b)
              dc isolation
            • c)
              increase the input impedance
            • d)
              increase the output impedance
            Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

            Jayant Mishra answered
            The cascaded amplifier, where an RC network is used for inter stage coupling is known as RC coupled amplifier. The main function of capacitor in RC coupling in common emitter amplifier is to isolate the dc .
            The correct answer is: dc isolation

            Calculate the minimum value of C2 (in μF) if the amplifier operate over a frequency range of 2kHz to 10kHz?
              Correct answer is '1.42'. Can you explain this answer?

              Pie Academy answered
              RE = 560Ω
              XC of the bypass capacitor C2 should be

              The capacitive value, at the minimum frequency of 2kHz

              The correct answer is: 1.42

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