CTET & State TET Mathematics & Pedagogy
- Overview of CTET & State TET
- Importance of Mathematics and Pedagogy in teaching
- Understanding the CTET & State TET Mathematics & Pedagogy Syllabus
CTET & State TET Number System:
- Understanding the concept of number system
- Natural numbers, whole numbers, and integers
- Rational and irrational numbers
- Properties of numbers
- Different types of number systems
CTET & State TET Knowing our Numbers:
- Place value and face value of numbers
- Indian and International system of numeration
- Estimation of numbers
- Comparison of numbers
- Applications of numbers in real life
CTET & State TET Playing with Numbers:
- Factors and multiples
- Prime and composite numbers
- Divisibility rules
- Highest Common Factor (HCF) and Least Common Multiple (LCM)
- Applications of playing with numbers in real life
CTET & State TET Whole Numbers:
- Properties of whole numbers
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers
- Word problems on whole numbers
- Applications of whole numbers in real life
CTET & State TET Negative Numbers and Integers:
- Understanding negative numbers and integers
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of negative numbers and integers
- Word problems on negative numbers and integers
- Applications of negative numbers and integers in real life
CTET & State TET Algebra:
- Understanding algebraic expressions
- Identifying constants, variables, and coefficients
- Laws of algebra
- Factorization of algebraic expressions
- Applications of algebra in real life
CTET & State TET Ratio and Proportion:
- Understanding ratio and proportion
- Properties of ratios and proportions
- Direct and inverse proportion
- Applications of ratio and proportion in real life
CTET & State TET Geometry:
- Understanding basic geometrical concepts
- Types of angles and their properties
- Types of triangles and their properties
- Types of quadrilaterals and their properties
- Types of circles and their properties
CTET & State TET Elementary Shapes (2-D and 3-D):
- Understanding 2-D and 3-D shapes
- Properties of 2-D and 3-D shapes
- Identification and naming of 2-D and 3-D shapes
- Applications of 2-D and 3-D shapes in real life
CTET & State TET Symmetry:
- Understanding symmetry
- Identifying lines of symmetry in 2-D shapes
- Creating symmetric shapes
- Applications of symmetry in real life
CTET & State TET Construction:
- Understanding constructions
- Creating basic constructions using a compass and a ruler
- Applications of constructions in real life
CTET & State TET Mensuration:
- Understanding mensuration
- Perimeter and area of 2-D shapes
- Surface area and volume of 3-D shapes
- Applications of mensuration in real life
CTET & State TET Data handling:
- Understanding data handling
- Collection and organization of data
- Representation of data using graphs and charts
- Interpretation of data
- Applications of data handling in real life
CTET & State TET Pedagogical issues:
- Understanding pedagogy and its importance in teaching
- Different teaching-learning strategies
- Classroom management techniques
- Assessment and evaluation techniques
- Inclusive education practices
- Importance of Mathematics and Pedagogy in teaching
- Overview of the CTET & State TET Mathematics & Pedagogy Syllabus
- Tips for effective preparation and success in CTET & State TET Mathematics & Pedagogy exam.
This course is helpful for the following exams: Teaching, CTET & State TET, EMRS, UPTET, Bihar PGT/TGT/PRT, Jharkhand (JSSC) PRT/TGT, KVS PGT/TGT/PRT, NVS TGT/PGT, CG TET, REET, AWES TGT/PGT, HTET, HSSC PGT/TGT, MPTET, TS TET, WBTET, MAHA TET, HPSC TGT/PGT, Karnataka TET, SSA Chandigarh, PS TET, UTET, HP TET, OTET, KTET, AP TET, AEES PRT, Assam TET, TN TET, Gujarat TET