Software Development Basics of Java- Introduction to software development
- Basics of Java programming language
- Variables and data types in Java
- Operators in Java
- Control statements in Java (if-else, switch-case)
- Introduction to object-oriented programming in Java
Software Development Flow Charts- Introduction to flowcharts
- Uses of flowcharts in software development
- Symbols and conventions used in flowcharts
- Creating flowcharts for different scenarios
- Flowchart examples for software development processes
Software Development Starting with Java- Setting up the development environment (Java Development Kit, Integrated Development Environment)
- Writing and running the first Java program
- Understanding the structure of a Java program (classes, methods, main method)
- Using comments in Java code
- Compiling and executing Java programs
Software Development Loops- Introduction to loops in programming
- Types of loops in Java (for, while, do-while)
- Using loops for repetitive tasks
- Loop control statements (break, continue)
- Nested loops and their usage
Software Development Patterns- Introduction to design patterns in software development
- Commonly used software development patterns (singleton, factory, observer, etc.)
- Implementing design patterns in Java
- Benefits and drawbacks of using design patterns
Software Development Methods in Java- Introduction to methods in Java
- Creating and calling methods
- Method parameters and return values
- Method overloading and overriding
- Understanding method visibility (public, private, protected)
Software Development Arrays- Introduction to arrays in Java
- Declaring and initializing arrays
- Accessing array elements
- Array manipulation (sorting, searching, etc.)
- Multidimensional arrays in Java
Software Development Strings- Introduction to strings in Java
- String manipulation (concatenation, substring, etc.)
- String comparison and equality
- String formatting and parsing
- Commonly used string methods in Java
This course is helpful for the following exams: Software Development