Syllabus and Mark Weightage for KVS PRT Exam:The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) conducts the Primary Teacher (PRT) Exam to select candidates for the position of Primary Teachers in Kendriya Vidyalayas across India. The exam is conducted in two stages - a written test and an interview. Here is a detailed topic-wise syllabus and marks weightage for the KVS PRT Exam:
1. Child Development and Pedagogy (30 marks):- Child Development (Primary School Child) - Concepts of growth and development, influence of heredity and environment, principles and stages of child development.
- Dimensions of Development - Physical, cognitive, emotional, social and moral development during childhood.
- Factors influencing Child Development - Role of parents, family, school, society, and peers.
- Individual Differences - Meaning, types, and methods of dealing with individual differences in the classroom.
- Personality Development - Concept, factors affecting personality development, approaches to personality development in children.
- Understanding Diverse Learners - Differentiating between individual differences and diversity, inclusive education, addressing the needs of children with special needs, gifted children, and disadvantaged children.
- Learning and Pedagogy - Meaning, theories of learning, how children learn, factors affecting learning, and teaching-learning processes.
2. Language I (English) (15 marks):- Reading Comprehension - Understanding and interpretation of the given passages.
- Pedagogy of Language Development - Learning and acquisition of language, principles of language teaching, language skills, and assessment.
3. Language II (Hindi) (15 marks):- Comprehension - Understanding and interpretation of the given passages.
- Pedagogy of Language Development - Learning and acquisition of language, principles of language teaching, language skills, and assessment.
4. Mathematics (30 marks):- Content - Number system, fractions, decimals, basic operations, measurement, geometry, data handling, patterns, and algebra.
- Pedagogical Issues - Nature of mathematics, evaluation methods, diagnostic and remedial teaching, teaching methods and aids, and error analysis.
5. Environmental Studies (EVS) (30 marks):- Content - Family and Friends, Food, Shelter, Water, Travel, Things We Make and Do, and Pedagogical Issues.
- Pedagogical Issues - Concept and scope of EVS, significance of EVS in primary education, methods and approaches to teaching, evaluation in EVS, and environmental education.
6. Reasoning Ability (15 marks):- Verbal Reasoning - Analogy, classification, series, coding-decoding, blood relations, direction sense test, logical Venn diagrams, and alphabet test.
- Non-Verbal Reasoning - Series completion, pattern completion, figure matching, odd one out, and mirror images.
7. Current Affairs (10 marks):- National and International events, sports, awards, new appointments, books and authors, and important days.
EduRev Mock Test Series:EduRev provides a comprehensive and reliable Mock Test Series for the KVS PRT Exam. These mock tests are designed by subject matter experts to simulate the actual exam environment and help candidates assess their preparation level. The mock tests cover all the topics mentioned in the syllabus and provide detailed explanations for each question. By practicing these mock tests, candidates can enhance their time management skills and improve their overall performance in the exam.
Note: It is important for candidates to refer to the official KVS PRT Exam notification and syllabus for the most accurate and updated information.
This course is helpful for the following exams: Teaching, KVS PGT/TGT/PRT