Name the ruler who was primarily responsible for extending the Vijayan...
Harihara II was primarily responsible for extending the Vijayanagar empire over the whole southern India.
Heading: Background Information
The Vijayanagar Empire was established in 1336 AD by two brothers Harihara I and Bukka Raya. The empire was founded in the Deccan Plateau region of South India. Initially, the empire was small and consisted of only a few regions. However, over time, the empire expanded and became one of the most powerful empires in South India.
Heading: Harihara II's Reign
Harihara II was the third ruler of the Vijayanagar Empire. He came to power in 1377 AD after the death of his father Bukka Raya. He ruled for 31 years and during his reign, he extended the empire's territory significantly.
Heading: Conquest of Warangal
One of Harihara II's most significant achievements was the conquest of the Kakatiya dynasty's capital, Warangal. In 1378 AD, Harihara II led his army against the Kakatiya dynasty, which was a powerful kingdom in South India. After a long and bloody war, Harihara II's army emerged victorious, and he captured Warangal. This conquest gave the Vijayanagar Empire access to the rich resources of the Telugu region.
Heading: Conquest of Madurai
Another significant conquest during Harihara II's reign was the capture of Madurai. Madurai was a powerful city located in the Tamil region of South India. Harihara II's army captured the city in 1379 AD, and this conquest gave the Vijayanagar Empire control over the entire Tamil region.
Heading: Consolidation of Empire
After the conquest of Warangal and Madurai, Harihara II focused on consolidating the empire's territory. He built several forts and established garrisons in strategic locations to defend the empire's borders. He also established a strong administrative system to govern the newly acquired territories.
Heading: Conclusion
In conclusion, Harihara II was primarily responsible for extending the Vijayanagar empire over the whole southern India. His conquests of Warangal and Madurai significantly expanded the empire's territory and consolidated its power in the region.
Name the ruler who was primarily responsible for extending the Vijayan...