Role of Humans in Resource Development
Resource development refers to the exploitation of natural resources in order to derive benefits from them. This process involves several steps, including identification, exploration, extraction, processing, and marketing of the resources. Humans play a significant role in each of these steps, as outlined below:
Identification of Resources
Humans are responsible for identifying potential resources that can be exploited for economic gain. This involves conducting surveys, research, and analysis to determine the type and quantity of resources that are available in a particular area.
Exploration of Resources
Once resources have been identified, humans are responsible for exploring them to determine their exact location and extent. This involves the use of advanced technologies such as satellite imaging, drilling, and mapping.
Extraction of Resources
Humans are also responsible for extracting resources from the earth. This involves the use of heavy machinery, such as trucks, excavators, and drills, to remove the resources from the ground.
Processing of Resources
After resources have been extracted, humans are responsible for processing them into usable products. This involves refining, purifying, and manufacturing the resources into products that can be used by consumers.
Marketing of Resources
Finally, humans are responsible for marketing the resources to potential buyers. This involves advertising, sales, and distribution of the products to consumers.
Overall, humans play a crucial role in resource development. Without their knowledge, skills, and expertise, it would be impossible to identify, explore, extract, process, and market natural resources. However, it is important to note that resource development should be done in a sustainable and responsible manner, taking into account the long-term environmental and social impacts of the process.