What are the problems faced by the textile manufacturers in india in t...
The problems faced by weavers in India were :
When the textile industries in England began to produce cloth, need was felt for imposing import duties on foreign cloth which entered its markets. Thus, various import duties were levied on Indian cloth entering into the British markets. This hit the Indian weavers hard.
The English companies in order to sell their goods persuaded the British Government to remove all import duties on English cloth entering into India. Because these cloths were cheap, the condition of weavers in India became worse as their export market collapsed and the local market was flooded with cheap British cloth.
Also at many a times, weavers were not able to get raw cotton of good quality
What are the problems faced by the textile manufacturers in india in t...
Exports declined and import of textiles increased.
The Indian textile manufactures could neither sell their goods outside India nor could they sell their goods inside India.
Import of English textiles into India increased from 31 % to 50 %.
As imported machine –made textiles was cheaper, the Indian weavers could not compete with it.
Raw cotton from India was exported to feed the Cotton mills of England and the Indian textile industry was without enough raw materials. Soon mechanised textile mill were also set up in India and the hand -weavers were virtually without any work.