Discuss the role played by the young seagull mother in helping him mak...
Role played by young seagull mother in helping her offspring make his first flight
The young seagull mother plays a crucial role in helping her offspring make his first flight. Here are some ways in which she helps:
Encouragement and motivation
The young seagull mother encourages and motivates her offspring to take his first flight. She does this by calling out to him from the air, urging him to join her, and demonstrating how to fly. This helps alleviate the fear and hesitation that the young seagull may feel.
Providing a safe environment
The young seagull mother ensures that her offspring has a safe environment to practice his flying skills. She chooses a location that is free of obstructions and hazards and helps her offspring navigate the air currents to stay aloft.
Correcting mistakes
The young seagull mother corrects her offspring's mistakes and helps him learn from them. For example, if he starts to lose altitude, she will swoop in and guide him back up into the air. This helps him gain confidence and become a better flier.
Showing patience
The young seagull mother shows patience with her offspring as he learns to fly. She doesn't rush him or get frustrated if he doesn't get it right the first time. Instead, she continues to encourage him and provide guidance until he is able to fly on his own.
In conclusion, the young seagull mother plays an essential role in helping her offspring make his first flight. She provides encouragement, a safe environment, correction, and patience to help her offspring gain confidence and become a successful flier.