Consider the following statements regarding the evolution of Local Gov...
- Statement 1 is incorrect: Lord Rippon is known as Father of Local Self Government in India.
- Statement 2 is incorrect: The subject of local government did not receive adequate importance in the original Constitution.
Supplementary notes:
What is Local Government?
- Local government is government at the village and district level and is closest to the common people.
- Local government is about a government that involves the day-to-day life and problems of ordinary citizens.
Evolution of Local Government in India:
Modern time:
- The elected local government bodies were created after 1882. Lord Rippon, who was the Viceroy of India at that time, took the initiative in creating these bodies.
- Our national movement was concerned about the enormous concentration of powers in the hands of the Governor-General sitting at Delhi.
- Therefore, for our leaders, independence meant an assurance that there will be decentralization of decision making, executive and administrative powers.
In the Constitution:
- When the Constitution was prepared, the subject of local government was assigned to the States.
- It was also mentioned in the Directive Principles as one of the policy directives to all governments in the country.
- The subject of local government did not receive adequate importance in the original Constitution.
- The turmoil due to the Partition resulted in a strong unitary inclination in the Constitution and multiple views in the constituent assembly of leaders like Jawahar Lal Nehru and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on local government.
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Consider the following statements regarding the evolution of Local Gov...
Local self-government plays a crucial role in the effective functioning of a democratic system. In India, the evolution of local government can be traced back to the colonial era and the subsequent development post-independence. The given statements regarding the evolution of local government in India are analyzed below:
Statement 1: Lord Mayo is known as the Father of Local Self Government in India.
Lord Mayo served as the Viceroy of India from 1869 to 1872. During his tenure, significant steps were taken to establish local self-government in India. He introduced the concept of municipal administration and enacted the landmark Mayo Municipal Act of 1871. This act provided for the establishment of municipal bodies in various towns and cities, allowing them to handle local affairs and generate revenue through taxation. Therefore, statement 1 is correct.
Statement 2: The subject of local government received adequate importance in the original Constitution.
The original Constitution of India, adopted on 26th November 1949, did not specifically focus on the subject of local government. The Constitution provided for a three-tier system of government - Union, State, and local. However, the details of local government were not elaborated upon in the original Constitution. It was only through subsequent amendments and legislations that the importance of local government was recognized and strengthened. The 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments, passed in 1992, introduced the concept of Panchayats and Municipalities as institutions of self-government at the rural and urban levels respectively. These amendments provided for the devolution of powers and functions to these local bodies, ensuring their autonomy and promoting grassroots democracy. Therefore, statement 2 is incorrect.
In conclusion, Lord Mayo indeed played a significant role in the evolution of local self-government in India and is often referred to as the Father of Local Self Government. However, the subject of local government did not receive adequate importance in the original Constitution, and it was only through subsequent amendments that the decentralization and strengthening of local bodies were achieved. Therefore, the correct answer is option C - Both 1 and 2.