Urban Adminstration is divided intoa)Sectionb)Blockc)Wardsd)DistrictCo...
Urban administration is divided into wards which are headed by ward officers
Urban Adminstration is divided intoa)Sectionb)Blockc)Wardsd)DistrictCo...
Urban Administration: Wards
Urban administration refers to the management and governance of cities and towns. It involves various administrative units that work together to provide essential services and maintain the functioning of urban areas. One such administrative unit is the ward.
Definition and Purpose of Wards
A ward is a specific geographical division or unit within a city or town, which is responsible for local governance and administration. The purpose of dividing an urban area into wards is to ensure effective governance and representation at the grassroots level. Wards are designed to bring the administration closer to the people and promote local participation in decision-making processes.
Functions of Wards
Wards play a crucial role in urban administration and perform several important functions, including:
1. Representation: Each ward is represented by a ward councilor who is elected by the residents of that particular ward. The councilor acts as a representative of the people and addresses their concerns and issues within the municipal corporation or local urban body.
2. Local Governance: Wards are responsible for the local governance of their respective areas. They manage local infrastructure, public services, and amenities such as parks, community centers, and street lighting. Wards also oversee waste management, sanitation, and maintenance of public spaces within their jurisdiction.
3. Civic Services: Wards ensure the delivery of essential civic services to the residents. This includes water supply, sewage management, road maintenance, public transportation, and healthcare facilities. Wards act as intermediaries between the municipal corporation and the local community, advocating for their needs and ensuring the provision of these services.
4. Planning and Development: Wards play a crucial role in urban planning and development. They provide valuable inputs and feedback on local needs, infrastructure requirements, and development projects. Wards also participate in the formulation of local policies and plans to ensure sustainable and inclusive growth within their areas.
Wards are an integral part of urban administration as they facilitate local governance, representation, and service delivery. By dividing cities and towns into wards, urban authorities can effectively manage and address the needs of their residents at the grassroots level. Wards provide a platform for citizen participation, ensuring that urban administration is responsive to the diverse needs and aspirations of the community.