Monothecous anthers are:a)Bisporangiateb)Monosporangiatec)Trisporangia...
Monothecous Anthers
Monothecous anthers are the type of anthers which have only one chamber or locule.
- The word 'anther' refers to the part of the stamen that produces pollen.
- The anther can be either unilocular or bilocular.
- In case of monothecous anthers, the anther has only one chamber or locule.
- The anthers of some plants are monothecous, which means they have only one locule or chamber.
- In such anthers, the connective tissue that joins the two locules in bilocular anthers is absent.
- The monothecous anthers may be bisporangiate or unisporangiate.
Types of Monothecous Anthers:
- Bisporangiate: Bisporangiate monothecous anthers are those in which two separate locules are present, but they are not connected by a connective tissue.
- Unisporangiate: Unisporangiate monothecous anthers have only one locule, which contains only one pollen sac.
Advantages of Monothecous Anthers:
- Monothecous anthers are advantageous for plant breeding because of their uniformity in pollen production.
- They are also advantageous for genetic studies because they produce purebred offspring.
- Monothecous anthers are also useful in hybridization studies.
Monothecous anthers are the type of anthers which have only one chamber or locule. They may be bisporangiate or unisporangiate. They are advantageous for plant breeding and genetic studies.
Monothecous anthers are:a)Bisporangiateb)Monosporangiatec)Trisporangia...
Monothecous stamen has only one lobed anther with two pollen chambers also called bisoporanginate it is seen in malvaceae .a dithecous stamen has two lobes of anthers with four pollen chambers also called tetrasporangiate sterile anthers are seen in staminode stamens as seen in cassia