What roles was not played by a grama bhojakaa)Pottery makingb)Policeme...
The gram bhojaka was often the largest land owner. He had slaves and hired workers to cultivate his land. The king also used him to collect taxes from villages and sometimes he performed like a judge and also like a policeman.
What roles was not played by a grama bhojakaa)Pottery makingb)Policeme...
A Grama Bhojaka, also known as a village headman, was an important administrative position in ancient India. They were responsible for maintaining law and order in the village, collecting taxes, resolving disputes, and carrying out various administrative tasks. However, there were certain roles that were not typically carried out by a Grama Bhojaka, and one of these roles is pottery making.
**Pottery making:**
Pottery making is a skilled craft that involves shaping clay into various objects such as pots, vases, and dishes. It requires specialized knowledge and training in pottery techniques. While pottery making was an important occupation in ancient India, it was not typically performed by a Grama Bhojaka. The role of a Grama Bhojaka was primarily administrative, focused on maintaining law and order and overseeing the governance of the village.
**Other roles played by a Grama Bhojaka:**
1. **Policemen:** A Grama Bhojaka was responsible for maintaining law and order in the village. They acted as the local police and were responsible for preventing and resolving disputes, ensuring the safety of the villagers, and maintaining peace and order.
2. **Judge:** A Grama Bhojaka acted as a judge in the village. They were responsible for resolving disputes and conflicts among the villagers and delivering justice. They would hear both sides of the argument and make decisions based on the principles of fairness and justice.
3. **Tax collector:** A Grama Bhojaka was in charge of collecting taxes from the villagers. They would assess the amount of tax owed by each household or individual and collect it on behalf of the ruling authority. This revenue would be used for the development and maintenance of the village.
4. **Administrative tasks:** A Grama Bhojaka carried out various administrative tasks in the village. This included maintaining records, overseeing the distribution of resources, coordinating village activities, and reporting to higher authorities.
In conclusion, while a Grama Bhojaka had several important roles and responsibilities in the village, pottery making was not typically one of them.