Village Headmen was calleda)Griha Bhojakab)Grama bhojakac)Dasa karmaka...
Village Headmen were an important part of the administrative system in ancient India. They were responsible for maintaining law and order in the village, collecting taxes, and resolving disputes. The Village Headmen were known by different names in different regions of India. Some of the popular names are:
Grama Bhojaka:
Grama Bhojaka means the head of the village. The Village Headmen were known as Grama Bhojaka in ancient India. They were responsible for the welfare of the village and its inhabitants.
Dasa Karmakara:
Dasa Karmakara means the ten duties. The Village Headmen were expected to perform ten duties, which included maintaining law and order in the village, collecting taxes, resolving disputes, and ensuring the well-being of the villagers.
Grihapatis means the head of the household. The Village Headmen were also known as Grihapatis because they were responsible for the welfare of the households in the village.
In conclusion, the Village Headmen were an important part of the administrative system in ancient India. They were responsible for maintaining law and order in the village, collecting taxes, and resolving disputes. The Village Headmen were known by different names in different regions of India, but Grama Bhojaka was the most popular name.
Village Headmen was calleda)Griha Bhojakab)Grama bhojakac)Dasa karmaka...
In ancient India, the village was considered as a basic unit of administration. The village headman played a pivotal role in the governance of the village. The headman was responsible for maintaining law and order, revenue collection, resolving disputes, and providing social and economic welfare to the villagers.
Grama Bhojaka:
The village headman was called the Grama Bhojaka. The term 'Grama' means village, and 'Bhojaka' means the one who rules or governs. The Grama Bhojaka was appointed by the king or local ruler. The headman was responsible for maintaining the village's records, including the collection of taxes, land revenue, and fines.
Duties of Grama Bhojaka:
The Grama Bhojaka had multiple duties, including:
- Maintaining law and order in the village.
- Collecting taxes, land revenue, and fines.
- Maintaining records of the village.
- Resolving disputes between villagers.
- Providing social and economic welfare to the villagers.
- Conducting religious and cultural activities in the village.
- Ensuring that the village's infrastructure is well-maintained.
Selection of Grama Bhojaka:
The selection of the Grama Bhojaka was based on various factors, including their caste, social status, and experience in village administration. The headman was usually selected from the dominant caste of the village. The Grama Bhojaka was appointed for a fixed term, which could be renewed upon satisfactory performance.
In conclusion, the Grama Bhojaka played a crucial role in the administration of the village. They were responsible for maintaining law and order, resolving disputes, and providing social and economic welfare to the villagers. The headman was appointed by the king or local ruler and was selected based on their caste, social status, and experience in village administration.