Independent farmers were calleda)Grihapatisb)Grama bhojakac)Griha Bhoj...
Independent farmers were called Grihapatis.
Grihapatis were independent farmers who owned their own land and were not dependent on any landlords or feudal lords for their livelihood. They were also known as Kulins and were considered to be the backbone of the rural economy in ancient India. They were responsible for the cultivation of crops and were considered to be the main producers of food grains.
The term Grihapati is derived from the Sanskrit words Griha (household) and Pati (lord). This term was used to describe a person who was the head of the household and owned his own land.
Roles and Responsibilities of Grihapatis:
1. Cultivation of Crops: Grihapatis were responsible for the cultivation of crops such as rice, wheat, barley, and pulses. They had to ensure that the crops were grown in a timely manner and were of good quality.
2. Livestock Management: Grihapatis also had to manage their livestock, which included cows, buffaloes, goats, and sheep. They had to ensure that the animals were well-fed and healthy.
3. Irrigation Management: Grihapatis had to manage the irrigation system in their fields. They had to ensure that the water was distributed evenly and that the fields were irrigated in a timely manner.
4. Payment of Taxes: Grihapatis had to pay taxes to the state and the local authorities. These taxes were in the form of land revenue, which was collected by the state.
5. Social Responsibilities: Grihapatis also had social responsibilities. They had to take care of their families and ensure that their children received a good education. They also had to participate in social and religious activities in their communities.
Grihapatis played a vital role in the rural economy of ancient India. They were responsible for the cultivation of crops, management of livestock, irrigation management, payment of taxes, and social responsibilities. They were the backbone of the rural economy and were highly respected in their communities.
Independent farmers were calleda)Grihapatisb)Grama bhojakac)Griha Bhoj...
In the northern part of the country, there were independent farmers also who were known as grihapatis.. option A is right