An inflorescence in which flowers arise from differentpoints but reach...
Corymb : It is a slightly modified raceme in which the peduncle is relatively short while the pedicels of lower flowers are longer so that both young and old flowers are brought to more or less the same level, e.g., Cassz.a sophora.
An inflorescence in which flowers arise from differentpoints but reach...
- A corymb is an inflorescence in which flowers arise from different points but reach the same level.
- The main stem of the inflorescence is elongated with the lower flowers having longer pedicels than the upper ones, resulting in all flowers being at the same level when in bloom.
- This type of inflorescence is common in plants like hawthorns, cherry, and yarrow.
- Corymbs are flat-topped or slightly convex in shape, with the outer flowers blooming first, followed by the inner ones.
- The corymb inflorescence allows for efficient pollination as the flowers are at the same height, making it easier for pollinators to access them.
Other Types of Inflorescences:
- Spadix: A spike inflorescence with small flowers crowded on a thickened, fleshy axis, often surrounded by a spathe.
- Catkin: An elongated, cylindrical inflorescence with unisexual flowers, typically found in plants like willows and birches.
- Umbel: An inflorescence in which all the pedicels arise from a common point like the ribs of an umbrella, commonly seen in plants like carrots and dill.
In conclusion, a corymb is a specific type of inflorescence where the flowers arise from different points but reach the same level, providing an organized and visually appealing floral arrangement.