The Bodhisattvas have been subject to multiple interpretations in Bud...
- In early Indian Buddhism, Bodhisattva was primarily used to refer specifically to Gautama Buddha in his former life.
- From the Jataka tales, Bodhisattva originally meant the Buddhism practitioner of austerities.
- In later Theravada literature, the term 'Bodhisatta' is used fairly frequently in the sense of someone on the path to liberation.
- According to some Mahayana sources, a Bodhisattva is someone on the path to full Buddhahood. Others speak of Bodhisattvas renouncing Buddhahood.
- However, under the new tradition, the most accepted definition is the one who aspires to become Buddha as soon as possible and then help sentient beings.
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The Bodhisattvas have been subject to multiple interpretations in Bud...
The Bodhisattva concept is an important aspect of Mahayana Buddhism. A Bodhisattva is someone who strives for enlightenment, but also delays their own liberation to help others achieve enlightenment. They are considered to be compassionate beings who work for the benefit of all sentient beings.
Interpretations of Bodhisattvas in Buddhism:
a) Bodhisattva was primarily used to refer to Gautama Buddha in his former life: This interpretation is based on the belief that Gautama Buddha, in his previous lives, worked towards becoming a Bodhisattva and accumulated merit to achieve enlightenment. This interpretation is widely accepted in Theravada Buddhism.
b) Bodhisattva meant someone on the path to liberation: This interpretation is based on the belief that anyone who strives towards enlightenment and practices the Bodhisattva teachings can be considered a Bodhisattva.
c) Bodhisattva was someone who delayed his final liberation to help other sentient beings: This interpretation is widely accepted in Mahayana Buddhism. A Bodhisattva is someone who has achieved enlightenment, but delays their own liberation to help others achieve enlightenment.
d) Bodhisattva was someone who became enlightened by the good karma of the Sangha: This interpretation is not one of the commonly accepted interpretations of Bodhisattvas in Buddhism. It is not based on any Buddhist teachings or scriptures.
In conclusion, the Bodhisattva concept is an important aspect of Mahayana Buddhism, and there are multiple interpretations of it. However, the interpretation that Bodhisattva was someone who became enlightened by the good karma of the Sangha is not one of the commonly accepted interpretations in Buddhism.
The Bodhisattvas have been subject to multiple interpretations in Bud...
Ans is a d