Consider the following statements about Purusha Sukta. 1. Purusha Suk...
- Purusha Sukta is a hymn in the Rig Veda. It describes the sacrifice of Purusha, the primaeval man.
- All the elements of the universe, including the four social categories, were supposed to have emanated from his body: The Brahmana was his mouth, of his arms was made the Kshatriya, his thighs became the Vaishya, and of his feet, the Shudra was born.
Consider the following statements about Purusha Sukta. 1. Purusha Suk...
Purusha Sukta
Purusha Sukta is a hymn found in the Rig Veda, not the Yajur Veda. It is considered one of the most important hymns in Hinduism and is often recited during religious ceremonies and rituals. The hymn describes the cosmic sacrifice of the Purusha, the cosmic being or primeval man, from whose body the universe was created.
The Brahmanas and the Purusha Sukta
The Brahmanas are a collection of ancient texts that provide explanations and interpretations of the hymns in the Vedas. They also contain rituals, ceremonies, and philosophical discussions. The Brahmanas are considered as one of the four main parts of the Vedas, alongside the Samhitas, Aranyakas, and Upanishads.
It is true that the Brahmanas refer to the Purusha Sukta, but it is incorrect to say that they cited it to justify their dominance and superiority in society. The Brahmanas do discuss the significance and symbolism of the Purusha Sukta, but their purpose is to explain the ritualistic aspects and philosophical concepts associated with it, rather than promoting social dominance.
The Purusha Sukta itself is a deeply philosophical hymn that emphasizes the unity and interconnectedness of all beings. It describes the creation of the universe from the sacrifice of the Purusha, where the different castes and social divisions are said to have emerged from different parts of his body. However, the hymn does not promote or endorse any particular caste or social hierarchy.
In conclusion, the correct statement is option 'B' - only statement 2 is correct. The Purusha Sukta is a hymn in the Rig Veda, not the Yajur Veda. While the Brahmanas do refer to the Purusha Sukta, they do not cite it to justify their dominance and superiority in society. The hymn itself focuses on philosophical and cosmic themes rather than promoting social hierarchy.