"The language of Preamble" of Indian constitution is taken from the c...
The language of Preamble" of Indian constitution is taken from the constitution of Australia.
"The language of Preamble" of Indian constitution is taken from the c...
The Preamble of the Indian Constitution is a brief introductory statement that sets out the objectives and purposes of the Constitution. It was adopted on 26 November 1949 by the Constituent Assembly of India.
The language of the Preamble is inspired by the Constitution of Australia. However, the idea of including a Preamble in the Constitution was borrowed from the Constitution of the United States of America.
The Preamble is a non-justiciable part of the Constitution, meaning that it cannot be enforced by a court of law. However, it serves as a guiding principle for the interpretation of the Constitution.
The Preamble of the Indian Constitution reads as follows:
"We, the people of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic and to secure to all its citizens:
Justice, social, economic and political;
Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
Equality of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all
Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;
In our constituent assembly this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, do hereby adopt, enact and give to ourselves this Constitution."
Thus, it can be concluded that the language of the Preamble of the Indian Constitution is taken from the Constitution of Australia, but the idea of including a Preamble in the Constitution was borrowed from the Constitution of the United States of America.