Under the Chinese lunar exploration mission, the Chinese spacecraft &l...
Is sent to the moon to conduct various scientific experiments and gather data. The mission is part of China's long-term plan to explore and eventually establish a human presence on the moon.
The Chinese spacecraft is equipped with various instruments and equipment to carry out its mission. These include cameras, spectrometers, radar systems, and other scientific instruments. These instruments are used to study the lunar surface, the moon's geology, and its atmosphere.
One of the main objectives of the lunar exploration mission is to collect samples from the moon's surface. The spacecraft is designed to land on the moon and collect samples of soil and rocks. These samples are then analyzed on Earth to gain a better understanding of the moon's composition and history.
Another objective of the mission is to study the moon's geology and geological processes. The spacecraft's instruments are used to map the moon's surface and study its craters, mountains, and other geological features. This data helps scientists better understand the moon's history and evolution.
The Chinese lunar exploration mission also aims to study the moon's atmosphere and space environment. The spacecraft's instruments measure the moon's atmospheric composition, temperature, and other properties. This data helps scientists understand the moon's atmosphere and its interaction with space.
In addition to scientific research, the Chinese lunar exploration mission also includes technological demonstrations. The spacecraft tests various technologies and systems that could be used for future lunar missions, such as lunar landers and rovers.
Overall, the Chinese lunar exploration mission is an important step in China's space exploration program. It is aimed at advancing scientific knowledge about the moon and paving the way for future human missions to the moon.
Under the Chinese lunar exploration mission, the Chinese spacecraft &l...
(b)On the far side of the moon