In context of yoga School, Which of the following are correctly match...
Yama - Practicing self-control Niyama - Observation of the rules governing one's life Pratyahara - Choosing an object Dharna - Fixing the mind (over the chosen object) Dhyana - Concentrating on the (abovementioned) chosen object Samadhi - It is the merging of the mind and the object that leads to the final dissolution of the self
In context of yoga School, Which of the following are correctly match...
Yoga School and its Concepts
Yama - Practicing Self-Control:
- Yama is the first limb of the eightfold path of Yoga, as mentioned by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras.
- Yama refers to the ethical disciplines or restraints that practitioners should follow in their life.
- It involves practicing self-control, moral values, and ethical behavior towards oneself, others, and the environment.
- Yama consists of five principles: Ahimsa (non-violence), Satya (truthfulness), Asteya (non-stealing), Brahmacharya (celibacy or moderation), and Aparigraha (non-hoarding).
- By practicing yama, individuals can develop a sense of harmony, peace, and integrity.
Pratyahara - Fixing the Mind:
- Pratyahara is the fifth limb of the eightfold path of Yoga.
- It refers to the withdrawal or control of the senses from external distractions and stimuli.
- Practitioners learn to detach themselves from sensory experiences and focus their attention inward.
- By practicing pratyahara, individuals can develop a deeper awareness of their thoughts, emotions, and inner self.
- It helps in calming the mind, reducing distractions, and preparing for higher stages of meditation.
Samadhi - Final Dissolution of the Self:
- Samadhi is the eighth and final limb of the eightfold path of Yoga.
- It represents the state of complete absorption and oneness with the object of meditation or the divine.
- In Samadhi, the individual experiences a dissolution of the ego or the self and merges with the universal consciousness.
- It is a state of profound bliss, tranquility, and realization of one's true nature.
- Samadhi is considered the ultimate goal of Yoga, where the practitioner achieves liberation and enlightenment.
Correctly Matched Concepts:
- Yama - practicing self-control: This is correctly matched as Yama involves practicing self-control, moral values, and ethical behavior.
- Pratyahara - fixing the mind: This is correctly matched as Pratyahara refers to the withdrawal of the senses and fixing the mind inward.
- Samadhi - final dissolution of the self: This is correctly matched as Samadhi represents the state of complete oneness and dissolution of the self.
Therefore, the correct answer is option 'C' - 1 and 3 only.