Mowing grass lawn facilities better maintenance becausea)Wounding stim...
Mowing grass lawn facilities better maintenance because of the following reasons:
1. Removal of Apical Dominance:
When the grass is mowed, the top part of the plant (the apical meristem) is removed. This stimulates the growth of lateral buds that are located at the base of the plant. This removal of apical dominance helps in the following ways:
- Encourages the growth of new shoots from lateral buds.
- Promotes a more compact and bushy growth habit.
- Prevents the plant from growing too tall and becoming top-heavy, which can lead to lodging (falling over) and other problems.
2. Stimulation of Intercalary Meristem:
Mowing also stimulates the intercalary meristem, which is located at the base of the grass blade. This meristem is responsible for the growth of new cells in the grass blade, and mowing stimulates it in the following ways:
- Causes the intercalary meristem to produce new cells that help the grass blade to grow longer.
- Triggers the production of hormones that promote the growth of lateral buds and the formation of new shoots.
- Improves the overall health of the grass by promoting the growth of new, healthy tissue.
3. Wounding Stimulates Regeneration:
When grass is mowed, the blades are wounded. This wounding stimulates the plant's natural regeneration mechanisms, which help to repair the damage and promote new growth. Some of the ways in which wounding stimulates regeneration include:
- Triggers the production of growth hormones that promote cell division and the formation of new tissue.
- Activates the plant's defense mechanisms, which help to protect against pests and diseases.
- Helps to improve the overall health of the grass by promoting the growth of new, healthy tissue.
In conclusion, mowing grass lawn facilities better maintenance because it helps to remove apical dominance and stimulate the intercalary meristem, which promotes lateral growth and the formation of new shoots. It also stimulates regeneration and helps to improve the overall health of the grass.
Mowing grass lawn facilities better maintenance becausea)Wounding stim...
Apical dominance observed in presence of auxin. This results in the growth of the central stem which is dominant and suppresses the growth of the lateral buds. The pruning of the tips or mowing of the grass is done where the tips are cut periodically. There is the removal of the apical dominance and the intercalary meristematic tissues grow. This allows the growth of the other branches. Thus, the correct answer is option C.