The functional unit of contractile system in a striated muscle isa)sar...
Sarcomere is the functional unit of myofibril. It contains two types of protein filaments called actin and myosin. These filaments slide upon each other to bring about the contraction of the muscles.
The functional unit of contractile system in a striated muscle isa)sar...
The Functional Unit of Contractile System in a Striated Muscle is Sarcomere.
Sarcomere is the basic functional unit of the contractile system in striated muscle. It is a highly organized structure that is responsible for muscle contraction. It is made up of two types of protein filaments - thick filaments made of myosin and thin filaments made of actin, tropomyosin, and troponin.
Structure of Sarcomere:
• Z-disc: It is a thin disc-like structure that serves as the boundary of each sarcomere.
• I-band: It is a light area between two A-bands, which consists of only thin filaments.
• A-band: It is a dark area in the middle of the sarcomere, which consists of both thick and thin filaments.
• H-zone: It is a light area in the middle of the A-band, which consists of only thick filaments.
• M-line: It is a thin line in the middle of the H-zone, which holds the thick filaments together.
Working of Sarcomere:
• During muscle contraction, the sarcomere shortens as the thin filaments slide over the thick filaments.
• This sliding is made possible by the cross-bridges formed between the myosin heads and actin.
• The cross-bridges are formed when calcium ions bind to troponin, which causes tropomyosin to move, exposing the binding site on actin.
• The myosin head then binds to the actin, forming a cross-bridge.
• The myosin head then swivels, pulling the thin filament towards the center of the sarcomere.
• The ATP is then used to detach the myosin head from the actin, and the cross-bridge is broken.
In conclusion, the sarcomere is the basic functional unit of striated muscle and is responsible for muscle contraction. It is made up of protein filaments and has a highly organized structure that allows for the sliding of the filaments during muscle contraction. The cross-bridges formed between the myosin heads and actin are responsible for this sliding.