The philosophical systems of the Hindus were propounded and properly c...
Vedic age is considered to be the base for Hindu Philosophy. All the literary compilations during the Vedic period such as vedas, Upanishads and so on contain Hindu philosophy like the varna system, Purushartha, Ashramas and many more.
The philosophical systems of the Hindus were propounded and properly c...
The philosophical systems of the Hindus were propounded and properly codified in the Vedic age.
Vedic Age:
The Vedic Age is the period in Indian history that marks the emergence of the Vedas, the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism. It spans from about 1500 BCE to 500 BCE. During this time, the Aryans, a nomadic group from Central Asia, migrated to the Indian subcontinent and settled in the northwestern part of the region. They brought with them their language and culture, which became the basis of Hinduism.
Philosophical Systems of the Hindus:
The philosophical systems of the Hindus are collectively known as Darshanas. There are six orthodox Darshanas, which are considered authoritative and orthodox interpretations of the Vedas. These are:
1. Samkhya: This Darshana propounds the dualistic view of the universe, where there are two fundamental entities – Purusha (consciousness) and Prakriti (matter). It explains the nature of reality and the means of liberation from suffering.
2. Yoga: This Darshana is a practical system of physical, mental, and spiritual practices aimed at achieving self-realization and liberation from suffering. It is based on the principles of Samkhya.
3. Nyaya: This Darshana is concerned with logic and epistemology. It provides a systematic method of reasoning and a means of acquiring knowledge.
4. Vaisheshika: This Darshana is concerned with metaphysics and natural science. It explains the nature of reality and the principles of causation.
5. Mimamsa: This Darshana is concerned with the interpretation of the Vedas and the performance of Vedic rituals. It provides a means of attaining worldly and spiritual goals.
6. Vedanta: This Darshana is concerned with the nature of reality and the means of liberation. It is based on the Upanishads, which are philosophical texts that form the concluding part of the Vedas.
Thus, the philosophical systems of the Hindus were propounded and properly codified in the Vedic Age. These systems continue to be influential in Indian philosophy and culture to this day.