In the context of biodiversity, what do you understand by the term Vav...
- The Vavilov centre of origin is a geographical area where the particular group of crops (either domesticated or wild) first originated on earth. Many people believed that centres of origin are also centres of diversity. But, the centres of diversity may not represent the centres of origin of crop plants. Centers of origin were first identified in 1924 by Nikolai Vavilov.
- He considered that great centres of origin were always located in lower mountains and hills of tropical, sub-tropical regions. He also recognizes some secondary centres of origin where two or more species crossed together. Secondary centres of origin are the places where natural and artificial selection occurred on after another. He stated that plants were not domesticated at random but it was a continuous process. Examples of Vavilov centers include: Chinese center, Mediterranean centre etc.
- India is a Vavilov centre of high crop genetic diversity. Vavilov “classified the world’s crop producing regions into eight centres of plant origin. Of these areas of crop genetic diversity, India was central to what he called the 'Hindustan Center of Origin'.
- Hence option (a) is the correct answer
In the context of biodiversity, what do you understand by the term Vav...
Vavilov Center refers to a geographical area where a particular group of crops, either domesticated or wild, first originated on Earth. This concept is named after the renowned Russian botanist, Nikolai Vavilov, who made significant contributions to the study of plant genetics and crop diversity.
The Vavilov Center concept is based on the idea that certain regions of the world are centers of origin and diversity for specific crops. These regions are characterized by a high concentration of wild relatives and traditional landraces of crops, which have evolved and diversified in response to various ecological conditions over thousands of years.
Importance of Vavilov Centers:
Understanding and preserving Vavilov Centers is crucial for several reasons:
1. Genetic Diversity: Vavilov Centers are hotspots of genetic diversity. They contain a wide range of genetic variations within a particular crop species, which can be utilized to develop new crop varieties with improved traits such as disease resistance, drought tolerance, and nutritional quality.
2. Food Security: Vavilov Centers play a crucial role in maintaining global food security. They provide a diverse gene pool that can be tapped into to develop resilient and productive crop varieties, especially in the face of climate change and emerging pests and diseases.
3. Conservation: Vavilov Centers are home to unique and endangered crop varieties. By conserving these landraces and their wild relatives, we can prevent the loss of valuable genetic resources and maintain the cultural heritage associated with traditional farming practices.
4. Sustainable Agriculture: Vavilov Centers offer insights into the ecological and evolutionary processes that have shaped crop diversity. By studying these centers, scientists can gain a better understanding of plant adaptation and develop sustainable agricultural practices.
Examples of Vavilov Centers:
Some well-known Vavilov Centers include:
- The Andes region in South America, which is a center of origin for crops like potatoes, tomatoes, and quinoa.
- The Fertile Crescent in the Middle East, known as the birthplace of agriculture, where crops such as wheat, barley, and lentils originated.
- The Mesoamerican region, including parts of Mexico and Central America, which is a center of origin for crops like maize, beans, and squash.
In conclusion, Vavilov Centers are geographical areas where specific crops first originated. They are characterized by a high concentration of genetic diversity and play a crucial role in maintaining global food security, conservation of genetic resources, and sustainable agriculture. Understanding and preserving these centers is essential for the future of agriculture and biodiversity.