Muazzam, who took the title of Bahadur Shah, tried to gain control ove...
Title: Bahadur Shah's Attempt to Gain Control over the Rajput State of Amber
Muazzam, who took the title of Bahadur Shah, was a Mughal emperor who attempted to gain control over the Rajput state of Amber. In his pursuit, he sought to replace Jai Singh, the ruler of Amber, with his younger brother. Among the given options, the correct answer is option 'C', Vijay Singh. Let's explore the details behind this answer.
During the 17th century, the Mughal Empire faced numerous challenges, including the expansionist policies of various Rajput states. The Rajput rulers, including Jai Singh of Amber, were known for their valor and military prowess. This posed a threat to the Mughal Empire's authority over the region.
Attempt to Replace Jai Singh:
Bahadur Shah, also known as Muazzam, aimed to weaken the Rajput states by replacing their powerful rulers with individuals who would be more loyal to the Mughal Empire. In his pursuit to gain control over the Rajput state of Amber, Bahadur Shah sought to replace Jai Singh with his younger brother, Vijay Singh.
Vijay Singh as a Puppet Ruler:
By installing Vijay Singh as the ruler of Amber, Bahadur Shah hoped to have a more compliant and submissive ruler who would serve the interests of the Mughal Empire. Vijay Singh, being the younger brother of Jai Singh, was chosen as a potential puppet ruler who could be easily manipulated by Bahadur Shah.
Reasoning behind Choosing Vijay Singh:
Among the given options, Vijay Singh is the most likely choice for Bahadur Shah to replace Jai Singh. It is important to note that the other options, namely Partap Singh, Ajit Singh, and Sangram Singh, do not hold historical significance in relation to the attempted control over the Rajput state of Amber. Therefore, the correct answer is option 'C', Vijay Singh.
In his attempt to gain control over the Rajput state of Amber, Bahadur Shah, also known as Muazzam, tried to replace Jai Singh with his younger brother, Vijay Singh. By installing Vijay Singh as the ruler, Bahadur Shah aimed to have a more compliant and easily manipulated leader who would serve the interests of the Mughal Empire.
Muazzam, who took the title of Bahadur Shah, tried to gain control ove...
- Bahadur Shah I (1707-12) was the first and the last of the later Mughal rulers to exercise real authority.
- He followed a conciliatory policy towards the Rajput’s and Marathas but a strict policy towards the Sikhs.
- To have better control over Marwar and Amber he forced Ajit Singh of Marwar to submit to the Mughal authority.
- He made attempts to garrison Amber and replace Jai Singh with his younger brother Vijay Singh.
- Both Ajit Singh and Jai Singh were later restored but their demand for high mansabs (ranks) and offices of subahdars of important provinces were not accepted.
Hence, the correct option is 'C'