Which of the following was the capital of Matsya Mahajanpada?a)Kausamb...
Capital of Matsya Mahajanpada:
Matsya Mahajanapada was one of the sixteen Mahajanapadas or great kingdoms of ancient India. It was located in the north-western region of the present-day state of Rajasthan. The capital of Matsya Mahajanapada was Viratnagar or Bairat.
- Matsya Mahajanapada was established in the north-western region of present-day Rajasthan, and its capital was Viratnagar or Bairat.
- It is believed that the Matsya Mahajanapada was ruled by a dynasty of the same name or the Matsya dynasty.
- The Matsya Mahajanapada was one of the sixteen Mahajanapadas or great kingdoms of ancient India, mentioned in Buddhist and Jain scriptures and in ancient texts like the Puranas.
- The Mahabharata also mentions the Matsya kingdom, and according to the epic, the Pandavas spent one year of their exile in the kingdom, disguised as Brahmins.
- Archaeological excavations in Bairat have revealed the remains of a large ancient city, including a palace, a citadel, and a marketplace.
- The city was surrounded by a fortification wall and had a sophisticated drainage system.
- The remains of Buddhist stupas and monasteries have also been found in the area, indicating that it was an important center of Buddhism in ancient times.
- Today, Bairat is a small town in Rajasthan, and its ancient ruins are a popular tourist attraction.
Thus, it can be concluded that the capital of Matsya Mahajanapada was Viratnagar or Bairat, located in the north-western region of present-day Rajasthan.
Which of the following was the capital of Matsya Mahajanpada?a)Kausamb...
Matsya Kingdom
- It was located in central India near Kuru.
- It was founded by Matsya Dwaita, son of Uparachira Vasu.
- Uparachira’s other sons were Brihadratha (founded Maghada), Mavella, Yadu, Manivahana, and Rajanya.
- The capital of Matsya was at Viratanagari (present-day Bairat in the Jaipur district of Rajasthan).
Additional Information
- Kaushambi is the capital of the Vatsa kingdom.
- Indraprastha is the capital of the Kuru kingdom.
- Mathura is the capital of the Sursena kingdom.