Question Description
Millions of computer science students have taken a course on algorithms and data structures, typically the second course after the initial one introducing programming. One of the basic data structures in such a course is the stack. The stack has a special place in the emergence of computing as a science, as argued by Michael Mahoney, the pioneer of the history of the theory of computing. The stack can be used in many computer applications; a few are given below:(a) In recursive function(b) When function is called(c) Expression conversion such as – Infix to Postfix, Infix to Prefix, Postfix to Infix, Prefix to InfixIn stack, insertion operation is known as push, whereas deletion operation is known as pop.Code – 1def push(Country,N):Country._________(len(Country),N)) #Statement 1#Function CallingCountry=[]C=[Indian, USA, UK, Canada, Sri Lanka]for i in range(0,len(C),________): #Statement 2push(Country,C[i])print(Country)Required Output:[Indian, UK, Sri Lanka]Code - 2def pop(Country):if ______________: #Statement 3return "Under flow"else:return Country.________() #Statement 4#Function Callingfor i in range(len(Country)+1):print(_______________) #Statement 5Required Output:Sri LankaUKIndiaUnder flowFill the statement based on the given question:Q.Fill Statement 2, to insert the alternate element from Country list.a)3b)0c)-1d)2Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer? for Humanities/Arts 2025 is part of Humanities/Arts preparation. The Question and answers have been prepared
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the Humanities/Arts exam syllabus. Information about Millions of computer science students have taken a course on algorithms and data structures, typically the second course after the initial one introducing programming. One of the basic data structures in such a course is the stack. The stack has a special place in the emergence of computing as a science, as argued by Michael Mahoney, the pioneer of the history of the theory of computing. The stack can be used in many computer applications; a few are given below:(a) In recursive function(b) When function is called(c) Expression conversion such as – Infix to Postfix, Infix to Prefix, Postfix to Infix, Prefix to InfixIn stack, insertion operation is known as push, whereas deletion operation is known as pop.Code – 1def push(Country,N):Country._________(len(Country),N)) #Statement 1#Function CallingCountry=[]C=[Indian, USA, UK, Canada, Sri Lanka]for i in range(0,len(C),________): #Statement 2push(Country,C[i])print(Country)Required Output:[Indian, UK, Sri Lanka]Code - 2def pop(Country):if ______________: #Statement 3return "Under flow"else:return Country.________() #Statement 4#Function Callingfor i in range(len(Country)+1):print(_______________) #Statement 5Required Output:Sri LankaUKIndiaUnder flowFill the statement based on the given question:Q.Fill Statement 2, to insert the alternate element from Country list.a)3b)0c)-1d)2Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer? covers all topics & solutions for Humanities/Arts 2025 Exam.
Find important definitions, questions, meanings, examples, exercises and tests below for Millions of computer science students have taken a course on algorithms and data structures, typically the second course after the initial one introducing programming. One of the basic data structures in such a course is the stack. The stack has a special place in the emergence of computing as a science, as argued by Michael Mahoney, the pioneer of the history of the theory of computing. The stack can be used in many computer applications; a few are given below:(a) In recursive function(b) When function is called(c) Expression conversion such as – Infix to Postfix, Infix to Prefix, Postfix to Infix, Prefix to InfixIn stack, insertion operation is known as push, whereas deletion operation is known as pop.Code – 1def push(Country,N):Country._________(len(Country),N)) #Statement 1#Function CallingCountry=[]C=[Indian, USA, UK, Canada, Sri Lanka]for i in range(0,len(C),________): #Statement 2push(Country,C[i])print(Country)Required Output:[Indian, UK, Sri Lanka]Code - 2def pop(Country):if ______________: #Statement 3return "Under flow"else:return Country.________() #Statement 4#Function Callingfor i in range(len(Country)+1):print(_______________) #Statement 5Required Output:Sri LankaUKIndiaUnder flowFill the statement based on the given question:Q.Fill Statement 2, to insert the alternate element from Country list.a)3b)0c)-1d)2Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?.
Solutions for Millions of computer science students have taken a course on algorithms and data structures, typically the second course after the initial one introducing programming. One of the basic data structures in such a course is the stack. The stack has a special place in the emergence of computing as a science, as argued by Michael Mahoney, the pioneer of the history of the theory of computing. The stack can be used in many computer applications; a few are given below:(a) In recursive function(b) When function is called(c) Expression conversion such as – Infix to Postfix, Infix to Prefix, Postfix to Infix, Prefix to InfixIn stack, insertion operation is known as push, whereas deletion operation is known as pop.Code – 1def push(Country,N):Country._________(len(Country),N)) #Statement 1#Function CallingCountry=[]C=[Indian, USA, UK, Canada, Sri Lanka]for i in range(0,len(C),________): #Statement 2push(Country,C[i])print(Country)Required Output:[Indian, UK, Sri Lanka]Code - 2def pop(Country):if ______________: #Statement 3return "Under flow"else:return Country.________() #Statement 4#Function Callingfor i in range(len(Country)+1):print(_______________) #Statement 5Required Output:Sri LankaUKIndiaUnder flowFill the statement based on the given question:Q.Fill Statement 2, to insert the alternate element from Country list.a)3b)0c)-1d)2Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer? in English & in Hindi are available as part of our courses for Humanities/Arts.
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Here you can find the meaning of Millions of computer science students have taken a course on algorithms and data structures, typically the second course after the initial one introducing programming. One of the basic data structures in such a course is the stack. The stack has a special place in the emergence of computing as a science, as argued by Michael Mahoney, the pioneer of the history of the theory of computing. The stack can be used in many computer applications; a few are given below:(a) In recursive function(b) When function is called(c) Expression conversion such as – Infix to Postfix, Infix to Prefix, Postfix to Infix, Prefix to InfixIn stack, insertion operation is known as push, whereas deletion operation is known as pop.Code – 1def push(Country,N):Country._________(len(Country),N)) #Statement 1#Function CallingCountry=[]C=[Indian, USA, UK, Canada, Sri Lanka]for i in range(0,len(C),________): #Statement 2push(Country,C[i])print(Country)Required Output:[Indian, UK, Sri Lanka]Code - 2def pop(Country):if ______________: #Statement 3return "Under flow"else:return Country.________() #Statement 4#Function Callingfor i in range(len(Country)+1):print(_______________) #Statement 5Required Output:Sri LankaUKIndiaUnder flowFill the statement based on the given question:Q.Fill Statement 2, to insert the alternate element from Country list.a)3b)0c)-1d)2Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer? defined & explained in the simplest way possible. Besides giving the explanation of
Millions of computer science students have taken a course on algorithms and data structures, typically the second course after the initial one introducing programming. One of the basic data structures in such a course is the stack. The stack has a special place in the emergence of computing as a science, as argued by Michael Mahoney, the pioneer of the history of the theory of computing. The stack can be used in many computer applications; a few are given below:(a) In recursive function(b) When function is called(c) Expression conversion such as – Infix to Postfix, Infix to Prefix, Postfix to Infix, Prefix to InfixIn stack, insertion operation is known as push, whereas deletion operation is known as pop.Code – 1def push(Country,N):Country._________(len(Country),N)) #Statement 1#Function CallingCountry=[]C=[Indian, USA, UK, Canada, Sri Lanka]for i in range(0,len(C),________): #Statement 2push(Country,C[i])print(Country)Required Output:[Indian, UK, Sri Lanka]Code - 2def pop(Country):if ______________: #Statement 3return "Under flow"else:return Country.________() #Statement 4#Function Callingfor i in range(len(Country)+1):print(_______________) #Statement 5Required Output:Sri LankaUKIndiaUnder flowFill the statement based on the given question:Q.Fill Statement 2, to insert the alternate element from Country list.a)3b)0c)-1d)2Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?, a detailed solution for Millions of computer science students have taken a course on algorithms and data structures, typically the second course after the initial one introducing programming. One of the basic data structures in such a course is the stack. The stack has a special place in the emergence of computing as a science, as argued by Michael Mahoney, the pioneer of the history of the theory of computing. The stack can be used in many computer applications; a few are given below:(a) In recursive function(b) When function is called(c) Expression conversion such as – Infix to Postfix, Infix to Prefix, Postfix to Infix, Prefix to InfixIn stack, insertion operation is known as push, whereas deletion operation is known as pop.Code – 1def push(Country,N):Country._________(len(Country),N)) #Statement 1#Function CallingCountry=[]C=[Indian, USA, UK, Canada, Sri Lanka]for i in range(0,len(C),________): #Statement 2push(Country,C[i])print(Country)Required Output:[Indian, UK, Sri Lanka]Code - 2def pop(Country):if ______________: #Statement 3return "Under flow"else:return Country.________() #Statement 4#Function Callingfor i in range(len(Country)+1):print(_______________) #Statement 5Required Output:Sri LankaUKIndiaUnder flowFill the statement based on the given question:Q.Fill Statement 2, to insert the alternate element from Country list.a)3b)0c)-1d)2Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer? has been provided alongside types of Millions of computer science students have taken a course on algorithms and data structures, typically the second course after the initial one introducing programming. One of the basic data structures in such a course is the stack. The stack has a special place in the emergence of computing as a science, as argued by Michael Mahoney, the pioneer of the history of the theory of computing. The stack can be used in many computer applications; a few are given below:(a) In recursive function(b) When function is called(c) Expression conversion such as – Infix to Postfix, Infix to Prefix, Postfix to Infix, Prefix to InfixIn stack, insertion operation is known as push, whereas deletion operation is known as pop.Code – 1def push(Country,N):Country._________(len(Country),N)) #Statement 1#Function CallingCountry=[]C=[Indian, USA, UK, Canada, Sri Lanka]for i in range(0,len(C),________): #Statement 2push(Country,C[i])print(Country)Required Output:[Indian, UK, Sri Lanka]Code - 2def pop(Country):if ______________: #Statement 3return "Under flow"else:return Country.________() #Statement 4#Function Callingfor i in range(len(Country)+1):print(_______________) #Statement 5Required Output:Sri LankaUKIndiaUnder flowFill the statement based on the given question:Q.Fill Statement 2, to insert the alternate element from Country list.a)3b)0c)-1d)2Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer? theory, EduRev gives you an
ample number of questions to practice Millions of computer science students have taken a course on algorithms and data structures, typically the second course after the initial one introducing programming. One of the basic data structures in such a course is the stack. The stack has a special place in the emergence of computing as a science, as argued by Michael Mahoney, the pioneer of the history of the theory of computing. The stack can be used in many computer applications; a few are given below:(a) In recursive function(b) When function is called(c) Expression conversion such as – Infix to Postfix, Infix to Prefix, Postfix to Infix, Prefix to InfixIn stack, insertion operation is known as push, whereas deletion operation is known as pop.Code – 1def push(Country,N):Country._________(len(Country),N)) #Statement 1#Function CallingCountry=[]C=[Indian, USA, UK, Canada, Sri Lanka]for i in range(0,len(C),________): #Statement 2push(Country,C[i])print(Country)Required Output:[Indian, UK, Sri Lanka]Code - 2def pop(Country):if ______________: #Statement 3return "Under flow"else:return Country.________() #Statement 4#Function Callingfor i in range(len(Country)+1):print(_______________) #Statement 5Required Output:Sri LankaUKIndiaUnder flowFill the statement based on the given question:Q.Fill Statement 2, to insert the alternate element from Country list.a)3b)0c)-1d)2Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer? tests, examples and also practice Humanities/Arts tests.