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Millions of computer science students have taken a course on algorithms and data structures, typically the second course after the initial one introducing programming. One of the basic data structures in such a course is the stack. The stack has a special place in the emergence of computing as a science, as argued by Michael Mahoney, the pioneer of the history of the theory of computing. The stack can be used in many computer applications; a few are given below:
(a) In recursive function
(b) When function is called
(c) Expression conversion such as – Infix to Postfix, Infix to Prefix, Postfix to Infix, Prefix to Infix
In stack, insertion operation is known as push, whereas deletion operation is known as pop.
Code – 1
def push(Country,N):
Country._________(len(Country),N)) #Statement 1
#Function Calling
C=['Indian', 'USA', 'UK', 'Canada', 'Sri Lanka']
for i in range(0,len(C),________): #Statement 2
Required Output:
['Indian', 'UK', 'Sri Lanka']
Code - 2
def pop(Country):
if ______________: #Statement 3
return "Under flow"
return Country.________() #Statement 4
#Function Calling
for i in range(len(Country)+1):
print(_______________) #Statement 5
Required Output:
Sri Lanka
Under flow
Fill the statement based on the given question:
Q. Fill Statement 2, to insert the alternate element from Country list.
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?
Most Upvoted Answer
Millions of computer science students have taken a course on algorithm...
The '2' in the given 'for' statement is the step value which specifies the difference between two consecutive values in the range. Here, the step value is used to refer to the index position of the items in stack. To insert the alternate element, the step value will be taken as 2.
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Millions of computer science students have taken a course on algorithm...
Understanding the Problem
The task is to fill in Statement 2 in the provided code such that it inserts alternate elements from the list 'C' into the 'Country' stack. The list 'C' contains four elements: Indian, USA, UK, Canada, and Sri Lanka.
Evaluating the Options
1. Option a) 3: This would select elements at indices 0 and 3 (Indian and Canada), skipping the others.
2. Option b) 0: This would only insert the first element (Indian).
3. Option c) -1: This is invalid as it would not correctly index the list.
4. Option d) 2: This means the loop will increment by 2 each iteration, effectively selecting elements at indices 0, 2, and 4 (Indian, UK, and Sri Lanka).
Why Option D is Correct
Using option 'd' (with a step of 2) in the range function allows us to gather alternate elements from the list 'C':
- Iteration 0: Inserts 'Indian' (C[0])
- Iteration 1: Skips 'USA'
- Iteration 2: Inserts 'UK' (C[2])
- Iteration 3: Skips 'Canada'
- Iteration 4: Inserts 'Sri Lanka' (C[4])
The resulting 'Country' stack will then contain:
- Indian
- UK
- Sri Lanka
This matches the required output: [Indian, UK, Sri Lanka].
Thus, option 'D' (2) correctly achieves the objective of inserting alternate elements from the list 'C' into the stack 'Country.'
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Millions of computer science students have taken a course on algorithms and data structures, typically the second course after the initial one introducing programming. One of the basic data structures in such a course is the stack. The stack has a special place in the emergence of computing as a science, as argued by Michael Mahoney, the pioneer of the history of the theory of computing. The stack can be used in many computer applications; a few are given below:(a) In recursive function(b) When function is called(c) Expression conversion such as – Infix to Postfix, Infix to Prefix, Postfix to Infix, Prefix to InfixIn stack, insertion operation is known as push, whereas deletion operation is known as pop.Code – 1def push(Country,N):Country._________(len(Country),N)) #Statement 1#Function CallingCountry=[]C=[Indian, USA, UK, Canada, Sri Lanka]for i in range(0,len(C),________): #Statement 2push(Country,C[i])print(Country)Required Output:[Indian, UK, Sri Lanka]Code - 2def pop(Country):if ______________: #Statement 3return "Under flow"else:return Country.________() #Statement 4#Function Callingfor i in range(len(Country)+1):print(_______________) #Statement 5Required Output:Sri LankaUKIndiaUnder flowFill the statement based on the given question:Q.Fill Statement 2, to insert the alternate element from Country list.a)3b)0c)-1d)2Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?
Question Description
Millions of computer science students have taken a course on algorithms and data structures, typically the second course after the initial one introducing programming. One of the basic data structures in such a course is the stack. The stack has a special place in the emergence of computing as a science, as argued by Michael Mahoney, the pioneer of the history of the theory of computing. The stack can be used in many computer applications; a few are given below:(a) In recursive function(b) When function is called(c) Expression conversion such as – Infix to Postfix, Infix to Prefix, Postfix to Infix, Prefix to InfixIn stack, insertion operation is known as push, whereas deletion operation is known as pop.Code – 1def push(Country,N):Country._________(len(Country),N)) #Statement 1#Function CallingCountry=[]C=[Indian, USA, UK, Canada, Sri Lanka]for i in range(0,len(C),________): #Statement 2push(Country,C[i])print(Country)Required Output:[Indian, UK, Sri Lanka]Code - 2def pop(Country):if ______________: #Statement 3return "Under flow"else:return Country.________() #Statement 4#Function Callingfor i in range(len(Country)+1):print(_______________) #Statement 5Required Output:Sri LankaUKIndiaUnder flowFill the statement based on the given question:Q.Fill Statement 2, to insert the alternate element from Country list.a)3b)0c)-1d)2Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer? for Humanities/Arts 2025 is part of Humanities/Arts preparation. The Question and answers have been prepared according to the Humanities/Arts exam syllabus. Information about Millions of computer science students have taken a course on algorithms and data structures, typically the second course after the initial one introducing programming. One of the basic data structures in such a course is the stack. The stack has a special place in the emergence of computing as a science, as argued by Michael Mahoney, the pioneer of the history of the theory of computing. The stack can be used in many computer applications; a few are given below:(a) In recursive function(b) When function is called(c) Expression conversion such as – Infix to Postfix, Infix to Prefix, Postfix to Infix, Prefix to InfixIn stack, insertion operation is known as push, whereas deletion operation is known as pop.Code – 1def push(Country,N):Country._________(len(Country),N)) #Statement 1#Function CallingCountry=[]C=[Indian, USA, UK, Canada, Sri Lanka]for i in range(0,len(C),________): #Statement 2push(Country,C[i])print(Country)Required Output:[Indian, UK, Sri Lanka]Code - 2def pop(Country):if ______________: #Statement 3return "Under flow"else:return Country.________() #Statement 4#Function Callingfor i in range(len(Country)+1):print(_______________) #Statement 5Required Output:Sri LankaUKIndiaUnder flowFill the statement based on the given question:Q.Fill Statement 2, to insert the alternate element from Country list.a)3b)0c)-1d)2Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer? covers all topics & solutions for Humanities/Arts 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, meanings, examples, exercises and tests below for Millions of computer science students have taken a course on algorithms and data structures, typically the second course after the initial one introducing programming. One of the basic data structures in such a course is the stack. The stack has a special place in the emergence of computing as a science, as argued by Michael Mahoney, the pioneer of the history of the theory of computing. The stack can be used in many computer applications; a few are given below:(a) In recursive function(b) When function is called(c) Expression conversion such as – Infix to Postfix, Infix to Prefix, Postfix to Infix, Prefix to InfixIn stack, insertion operation is known as push, whereas deletion operation is known as pop.Code – 1def push(Country,N):Country._________(len(Country),N)) #Statement 1#Function CallingCountry=[]C=[Indian, USA, UK, Canada, Sri Lanka]for i in range(0,len(C),________): #Statement 2push(Country,C[i])print(Country)Required Output:[Indian, UK, Sri Lanka]Code - 2def pop(Country):if ______________: #Statement 3return "Under flow"else:return Country.________() #Statement 4#Function Callingfor i in range(len(Country)+1):print(_______________) #Statement 5Required Output:Sri LankaUKIndiaUnder flowFill the statement based on the given question:Q.Fill Statement 2, to insert the alternate element from Country list.a)3b)0c)-1d)2Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?.
Solutions for Millions of computer science students have taken a course on algorithms and data structures, typically the second course after the initial one introducing programming. One of the basic data structures in such a course is the stack. The stack has a special place in the emergence of computing as a science, as argued by Michael Mahoney, the pioneer of the history of the theory of computing. The stack can be used in many computer applications; a few are given below:(a) In recursive function(b) When function is called(c) Expression conversion such as – Infix to Postfix, Infix to Prefix, Postfix to Infix, Prefix to InfixIn stack, insertion operation is known as push, whereas deletion operation is known as pop.Code – 1def push(Country,N):Country._________(len(Country),N)) #Statement 1#Function CallingCountry=[]C=[Indian, USA, UK, Canada, Sri Lanka]for i in range(0,len(C),________): #Statement 2push(Country,C[i])print(Country)Required Output:[Indian, UK, Sri Lanka]Code - 2def pop(Country):if ______________: #Statement 3return "Under flow"else:return Country.________() #Statement 4#Function Callingfor i in range(len(Country)+1):print(_______________) #Statement 5Required Output:Sri LankaUKIndiaUnder flowFill the statement based on the given question:Q.Fill Statement 2, to insert the alternate element from Country list.a)3b)0c)-1d)2Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer? in English & in Hindi are available as part of our courses for Humanities/Arts. Download more important topics, notes, lectures and mock test series for Humanities/Arts Exam by signing up for free.
Here you can find the meaning of Millions of computer science students have taken a course on algorithms and data structures, typically the second course after the initial one introducing programming. One of the basic data structures in such a course is the stack. The stack has a special place in the emergence of computing as a science, as argued by Michael Mahoney, the pioneer of the history of the theory of computing. The stack can be used in many computer applications; a few are given below:(a) In recursive function(b) When function is called(c) Expression conversion such as – Infix to Postfix, Infix to Prefix, Postfix to Infix, Prefix to InfixIn stack, insertion operation is known as push, whereas deletion operation is known as pop.Code – 1def push(Country,N):Country._________(len(Country),N)) #Statement 1#Function CallingCountry=[]C=[Indian, USA, UK, Canada, Sri Lanka]for i in range(0,len(C),________): #Statement 2push(Country,C[i])print(Country)Required Output:[Indian, UK, Sri Lanka]Code - 2def pop(Country):if ______________: #Statement 3return "Under flow"else:return Country.________() #Statement 4#Function Callingfor i in range(len(Country)+1):print(_______________) #Statement 5Required Output:Sri LankaUKIndiaUnder flowFill the statement based on the given question:Q.Fill Statement 2, to insert the alternate element from Country list.a)3b)0c)-1d)2Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer? defined & explained in the simplest way possible. Besides giving the explanation of Millions of computer science students have taken a course on algorithms and data structures, typically the second course after the initial one introducing programming. One of the basic data structures in such a course is the stack. The stack has a special place in the emergence of computing as a science, as argued by Michael Mahoney, the pioneer of the history of the theory of computing. The stack can be used in many computer applications; a few are given below:(a) In recursive function(b) When function is called(c) Expression conversion such as – Infix to Postfix, Infix to Prefix, Postfix to Infix, Prefix to InfixIn stack, insertion operation is known as push, whereas deletion operation is known as pop.Code – 1def push(Country,N):Country._________(len(Country),N)) #Statement 1#Function CallingCountry=[]C=[Indian, USA, UK, Canada, Sri Lanka]for i in range(0,len(C),________): #Statement 2push(Country,C[i])print(Country)Required Output:[Indian, UK, Sri Lanka]Code - 2def pop(Country):if ______________: #Statement 3return "Under flow"else:return Country.________() #Statement 4#Function Callingfor i in range(len(Country)+1):print(_______________) #Statement 5Required Output:Sri LankaUKIndiaUnder flowFill the statement based on the given question:Q.Fill Statement 2, to insert the alternate element from Country list.a)3b)0c)-1d)2Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?, a detailed solution for Millions of computer science students have taken a course on algorithms and data structures, typically the second course after the initial one introducing programming. One of the basic data structures in such a course is the stack. The stack has a special place in the emergence of computing as a science, as argued by Michael Mahoney, the pioneer of the history of the theory of computing. The stack can be used in many computer applications; a few are given below:(a) In recursive function(b) When function is called(c) Expression conversion such as – Infix to Postfix, Infix to Prefix, Postfix to Infix, Prefix to InfixIn stack, insertion operation is known as push, whereas deletion operation is known as pop.Code – 1def push(Country,N):Country._________(len(Country),N)) #Statement 1#Function CallingCountry=[]C=[Indian, USA, UK, Canada, Sri Lanka]for i in range(0,len(C),________): #Statement 2push(Country,C[i])print(Country)Required Output:[Indian, UK, Sri Lanka]Code - 2def pop(Country):if ______________: #Statement 3return "Under flow"else:return Country.________() #Statement 4#Function Callingfor i in range(len(Country)+1):print(_______________) #Statement 5Required Output:Sri LankaUKIndiaUnder flowFill the statement based on the given question:Q.Fill Statement 2, to insert the alternate element from Country list.a)3b)0c)-1d)2Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer? has been provided alongside types of Millions of computer science students have taken a course on algorithms and data structures, typically the second course after the initial one introducing programming. One of the basic data structures in such a course is the stack. The stack has a special place in the emergence of computing as a science, as argued by Michael Mahoney, the pioneer of the history of the theory of computing. The stack can be used in many computer applications; a few are given below:(a) In recursive function(b) When function is called(c) Expression conversion such as – Infix to Postfix, Infix to Prefix, Postfix to Infix, Prefix to InfixIn stack, insertion operation is known as push, whereas deletion operation is known as pop.Code – 1def push(Country,N):Country._________(len(Country),N)) #Statement 1#Function CallingCountry=[]C=[Indian, USA, UK, Canada, Sri Lanka]for i in range(0,len(C),________): #Statement 2push(Country,C[i])print(Country)Required Output:[Indian, UK, Sri Lanka]Code - 2def pop(Country):if ______________: #Statement 3return "Under flow"else:return Country.________() #Statement 4#Function Callingfor i in range(len(Country)+1):print(_______________) #Statement 5Required Output:Sri LankaUKIndiaUnder flowFill the statement based on the given question:Q.Fill Statement 2, to insert the alternate element from Country list.a)3b)0c)-1d)2Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer? theory, EduRev gives you an ample number of questions to practice Millions of computer science students have taken a course on algorithms and data structures, typically the second course after the initial one introducing programming. One of the basic data structures in such a course is the stack. The stack has a special place in the emergence of computing as a science, as argued by Michael Mahoney, the pioneer of the history of the theory of computing. The stack can be used in many computer applications; a few are given below:(a) In recursive function(b) When function is called(c) Expression conversion such as – Infix to Postfix, Infix to Prefix, Postfix to Infix, Prefix to InfixIn stack, insertion operation is known as push, whereas deletion operation is known as pop.Code – 1def push(Country,N):Country._________(len(Country),N)) #Statement 1#Function CallingCountry=[]C=[Indian, USA, UK, Canada, Sri Lanka]for i in range(0,len(C),________): #Statement 2push(Country,C[i])print(Country)Required Output:[Indian, UK, Sri Lanka]Code - 2def pop(Country):if ______________: #Statement 3return "Under flow"else:return Country.________() #Statement 4#Function Callingfor i in range(len(Country)+1):print(_______________) #Statement 5Required Output:Sri LankaUKIndiaUnder flowFill the statement based on the given question:Q.Fill Statement 2, to insert the alternate element from Country list.a)3b)0c)-1d)2Correct answer is option 'D'. 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