The farmers cultivating small plots of land using simple tools and mor...
Intensive subsistence agriculture
Intensive subsistence agriculture is a type of farming that involves the cultivation of small plots of land using simple tools and a large amount of labor. This type of farming is commonly practiced in densely populated areas, such as the plains.
Characteristics of intensive subsistence agriculture:
1. Small plots of land: Farmers practicing intensive subsistence agriculture typically have small plots of land. These plots are often limited in size due to the high population density in the area.
2. Simple tools: Farmers rely on simple tools, such as hoes, sickles, and shovels, for cultivating the land. Machinery and advanced equipment are not commonly used.
3. High labor input: Since the plots of land are small, farmers need to put in a significant amount of labor to cultivate and maintain their crops. This often involves the entire family working together.
4. Diversity of crops: Intensive subsistence agriculture often involves the cultivation of a variety of crops. This diversity helps in reducing the risk of crop failure and provides the farmers with a balanced diet.
5. Low use of external inputs: Farmers relying on intensive subsistence agriculture usually have limited access to fertilizers, pesticides, and other external inputs. Therefore, they rely on organic methods and traditional farming techniques.
6. Primarily for self-consumption: The main purpose of intensive subsistence agriculture is to meet the subsistence needs of the farmer and their family. Surplus produce may be sold in local markets, but it is not the primary focus.
7. High population density: Intensive subsistence agriculture is often practiced in areas with high population density, where land is limited and fragmented. This type of farming allows for efficient use of small plots of land.
The farmers cultivating small plots of land using simple tools and more labor in the plains are categorized under intensive subsistence agriculture. This type of farming is characterized by small landholdings, simple tools, high labor input, a diversity of crops, low use of external inputs, and primarily for self-consumption. It is a common practice in densely populated areas where land is limited.
The farmers cultivating small plots of land using simple tools and mor...
Intensive subsistence agriculture refers to the cultivation of small plots of land by farmers, using simple tools and more labour, just to feed themselves and their families with little or no surplus trade.