What were the reasons for the failure of the Cripps Mission: 1. The p...
Reasons for failure of Cripps Mission:
There were several reasons for the failure of the Cripps Mission, which was sent by the British government to India in 1942 to discuss India's political future and to secure Indian support for the war effort during World War II. The two main reasons are as follows:
1. The proposals were seen as too radical by the British and as too conservative by the INC who wanted complete independence:
The proposals made by the Cripps Mission were seen as too radical by the British government and as too conservative by the Indian National Congress (INC). The mission proposed that India would be given dominion status after the war, but with certain reservations such as the retention of the Governor-General's powers, the right to interfere in the provincial governments, and the retention of British control over India's defense and foreign policy. This proposal was seen as too radical by the British because it would grant India a level of independence that they were not willing to concede. At the same time, it was seen as too conservative by the INC because they wanted complete independence.
2. The Mission was rejected by the INC, the Muslim League and other Indian groups:
The Cripps Mission was rejected by the Indian National Congress (INC), the Muslim League, and other Indian groups. The INC rejected the proposals because they did not go far enough in granting India full independence. The Muslim League rejected the proposals because they did not address the issue of a separate Muslim state. Other Indian groups rejected the proposals because they felt that they were not given enough representation in the proposed government.
In conclusion, the failure of the Cripps Mission can be attributed to the fact that the proposals were seen as too radical by the British and as too conservative by the INC who wanted complete independence. In addition, the Mission was rejected by the INC, the Muslim League, and other Indian groups.
What were the reasons for the failure of the Cripps Mission: 1. The p...
The proposals were seen as too radical by the British and too conservative by the INC who wanted complete independence. The Mission was rejected by the INC, the Muslim League and other Indian groups.