Consider the following statements regarding Fraternity. Fraternity is ...
Statement 1: Fraternity is the principle which gives unity and solidarity to social life.
Statement 2: The Preamble of the Indian Constitution mentions fraternity as one of its objectives.
Statement 3: It became an official demand of the Indian National Congress in 1935 and was officially adopted in the Lucknow session in 1936.
Fraternity as a principle:
Fraternity refers to the idea of brotherhood or a sense of belongingness and mutual cooperation among individuals. It is considered as a principle that promotes unity and solidarity in social life. Fraternity emphasizes the importance of treating others as equals and working together for the common good. It is an essential aspect of a harmonious and inclusive society.
Fraternity in the Indian Constitution:
The Preamble of the Indian Constitution outlines the fundamental principles and objectives that guide the governance of the country. It mentions fraternity as one of the key objectives. The Preamble states, "We, the people of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic and to secure to all its citizens: Justice, social, economic and political; Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; Equality of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation."
This inclusion of fraternity in the Preamble reflects the importance of fostering a sense of brotherhood and unity among all citizens of India. It highlights the commitment of the Indian Constitution towards creating a harmonious and inclusive society.
Fraternity and the Indian National Congress:
The Indian National Congress, which played a crucial role in the Indian independence movement, officially adopted fraternity as one of its demands in 1935. It recognized the significance of promoting unity and cooperation among the diverse population of India. The adoption of fraternity as an official demand by the Indian National Congress showcased the party's commitment to social harmony and inclusivity.
During the Lucknow session of the Indian National Congress in 1936, fraternity was formally adopted as an objective. This decision further solidified the party's stance on the importance of fraternity in the social and political fabric of India.
All three statements are correct. Fraternity is indeed a principle that promotes unity and solidarity in social life. It is mentioned as one of the objectives in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution, and it was officially adopted by the Indian National Congress in 1936 after being demanded in 1935. These facts highlight the significance of fraternity in shaping the values and principles of both the Indian Constitution and the Indian independence movement.
Consider the following statements regarding Fraternity. Fraternity is ...
- According to Dr. Ambedkar “Fraternity means a sense of common brotherhood of all Indians — of Indians being one people. It is the principle which gives unity and solidarity to social life,”.
- Fraternity is deeply embedded in political philosophy, emphasizing empowerment and emancipation in politics. It’s a fundamental element of liberal political thought, alongside liberty and equality.
- It became an official demand of the Indian National Congress in 1935 and was officially adopted in the Lucknow session in April 1936 presided by Jawaharlal Nehru, who also drafted the Objectives Resolution.
- The Preamble of the Indian Constitution mentions fraternity as one of its objectives. It ends with “…and to promote among them all fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation.”