Which is the major tea-producing centre in the Cardamom Hills? a)Anaim...
Geographical phenomena aggravated by climate change:
1. Tropical Cyclones:
Tropical Cyclones are one of the most destructive weather events that cause significant damage to life, property and infrastructure. Climate change has impacted the frequency, intensity and duration of tropical cyclones. Warmer sea surface temperatures due to climate change have led to the formation of more intense and frequent cyclones. The rising sea levels have also increased the risk of storm surge and flooding, leading to more damage.
2. Erosional Activities:
Climate change has led to changes in precipitation patterns, resulting in more intense and frequent rainfall events. This has increased the risk of flooding and erosion. The melting of glaciers and ice caps due to climate change has also led to increased erosion and landslides.
3. Spread of Corals beyond Tropics:
Coral reefs are one of the most biodiverse ecosystems on the planet. Climate change has led to an increase in sea surface temperatures, which has resulted in the spread of corals beyond the tropics. The increased temperatures have also led to coral bleaching, which is the loss of colour and vitality of the coral due to stress.
4. Increase in Sea Salinity:
Climate change has led to changes in precipitation patterns, resulting in changes in freshwater availability. This has led to an increase in sea salinity, which is harmful to marine life and ecosystems. The rising sea levels due to climate change have also led to an increase in saltwater intrusion into coastal aquifers, resulting in a decrease in freshwater availability.
Therefore, all the given geographical phenomena have been aggravated by climate change.
Which is the major tea-producing centre in the Cardamom Hills? a)Anaim...