Why 82'30'E is selected as the standard meridian of India?
Explanation of selecting 82°30'E as the standard meridian of India:
Geographical Considerations:
- India is a vast country spanning from east to west, so it needed a central meridian to set its time zone.
- 82°30'E longitude approximately divides the country into two equal parts in terms of land area.
Historical Significance:
- 82°30'E longitude passes through the city of Allahabad, which holds great historical and cultural importance in India.
- The city is also known for hosting the Kumbh Mela, the largest religious gathering in the world.
Administrative Convenience:
- Having a standard meridian helps in setting a uniform time zone for the entire country, making it easier for administrative purposes.
- It simplifies communication, transportation, and coordination among different regions.
Scientific Basis:
- The 82°30'E longitude is close to the local mean time of India, making it a practical choice for the standard meridian.
- It helps in maintaining synchronization with the solar time and aligning with the international standard time zones.
- Considering geographical, historical, administrative, and scientific factors, the 82°30'E longitude was selected as the standard mermeridian of India, serving as a central reference point for the country's time zone.