Write the phone number of 8 of your friends and do as directed: a) Pas...
Indian and International Phone Number System
Friend 1:
- Phone Number: 9876543210
- Indian Value System: 987-65-43210
- International Value System: +91-987-654-3210
Friend 2:
- Phone Number: 8765432109
- Indian Value System: 876-54-32109
- International Value System: +91-876-543-2109
Friend 3:
- Phone Number: 7654321098
- Indian Value System: 765-43-21098
- International Value System: +91-765-432-1098
Friend 4:
- Phone Number: 6543210987
- Indian Value System: 654-32-10987
- International Value System: +91-654-321-0987
Friend 5:
- Phone Number: 5432109876
- Indian Value System: 543-21-09876
- International Value System: +91-543-210-9876
Friend 6:
- Phone Number: 4321098765
- Indian Value System: 432-10-98765
- International Value System: +91-432-109-8765
Friend 7:
- Phone Number: 3210987654
- Indian Value System: 321-09-87654
- International Value System: +91-321-098-7654
Friend 8:
- Phone Number: 2109876543
- Indian Value System: 210-98-76543
- International Value System: +91-210-987-6543
In the Indian phone number system, the numbers are divided into groups with specific digit counts separated by hyphens. The first group usually has the STD code followed by the area code and the actual phone number. For example, in the Indian value system, 987-65-43210, 987 is the STD code, 65 is the area code, and 43210 is the phone number.
In the International phone number system, the country code is added before the STD code and the phone number. For example, in the International value system, +91-987-654-3210, +91 is the country code for India, 987 is the STD code, and 654-3210 is the phone number. This format allows for easy dialing across different countries.