How to withdraw money from edurev wallet without purchasing any plans?
How to withdraw money from EduRev wallet without purchasing any plans:
Step 1: Earn Money in Your EduRev Wallet
- You can earn money in your EduRev wallet by participating in various activities like quizzes, contests, referring friends, and contributing study materials.
- Make sure to accumulate a sufficient amount of money in your wallet before proceeding to withdraw.
Step 2: Verify Your Account
- Before withdrawing money, ensure that your EduRev account is fully verified. You may need to provide additional information for verification purposes.
Step 3: Go to Your Wallet
- Access your wallet on the EduRev platform by clicking on the wallet icon or navigating to the designated section.
Step 4: Withdraw Money
- Look for the option to withdraw money from your wallet. It is usually located in the wallet section under a 'Withdraw' or 'Cashout' tab.
- Enter the amount you wish to withdraw and select your preferred withdrawal method. EduRev may offer options like bank transfer, UPI, Paytm, or other digital payment methods.
Step 5: Confirm Withdrawal
- Review the withdrawal details carefully before confirming the transaction. Ensure that all information provided is accurate to avoid any issues during the withdrawal process.
Step 6: Receive Money
- Once the withdrawal request is processed by EduRev, you will receive the money in your chosen payment method. The time taken for the money to reflect in your account may vary depending on the payment method selected.
By following these steps, you can easily withdraw money from your EduRev wallet without purchasing any plans. Remember to comply with EduRev's terms and conditions regarding withdrawals to ensure a smooth transaction process.