In what way is Iswaran an asset to Mahendra ?
Iswaran as an Asset to Mahendra
Iswaran, a loyal and dedicated servant, proves to be a valuable asset to Mahendra in several ways.
Knowledgeable and Skilled
- Iswaran possesses a wealth of knowledge and skills that greatly benefit Mahendra.
- He is well-versed in various tasks such as cooking, cleaning, gardening, and even storytelling.
- His expertise in these areas not only eases the burden on Mahendra but also enhances the overall quality of life in the household.
Hardworking and Reliable
- Iswaran is a hardworking individual who takes his responsibilities seriously.
- He ensures that all tasks are completed efficiently and on time, without compromising on quality.
- Mahendra can rely on Iswaran to manage the household effectively, allowing him to focus on other important matters.
Loyal and Trustworthy
- Iswaran's loyalty to Mahendra is unwavering, making him a trusted confidant and companion.
- He always has Mahendra's best interests at heart and goes above and beyond to ensure his happiness and well-being.
- Mahendra can trust Iswaran implicitly, knowing that he will always act in his best interest.
In conclusion, Iswaran's knowledge, skills, work ethic, loyalty, and trustworthiness make him an indispensable asset to Mahendra. His presence not only lightens the workload for Mahendra but also brings a sense of comfort and security to the household.