In how many different ways three rings of a lock cannot combine when i...
In a lock with three rings, each ring has digits 0 to 9. The lock cannot combine in certain ways due to restrictions in the combination process. Let's explore the different scenarios where the lock cannot be successfully opened.
Scenario 1: Same digit on all three rings
If all three rings have the same digit (e.g. 000, 111, 222, ...), the lock cannot be opened as the combination will not be unique.
Scenario 2: Two rings have the same digit
If two rings have the same digit but the third ring has a different digit (e.g. 112, 255, 488, ...), the lock cannot be opened as the combination will not be unique.
Scenario 3: Sequential numbers on all three rings
If all three rings have sequential numbers (e.g. 012, 123, 234, ...), the lock cannot be opened as the combination will not be unique.
Scenario 4: Repeating digits on all three rings
If all three rings have repeating digits (e.g. 122, 344, 677, ...), the lock cannot be opened as the combination will not be unique.
There are a total of 4 scenarios where the lock cannot be successfully opened due to restrictions in the combination process. By avoiding these scenarios, the lock can be opened successfully with a unique combination of digits on each ring.