Which of the following is colour less parasitic red algae :-a)Cephaleu...
Red algae are also known as rhodophytes, which is a eukaryotic alga without flagellate around 7000 living species are known till now. Red algae's are marine species. Since doesn't have flagella so motile stage is absent. It varies from unicellular to complex-multicellular algae. Most of them are autotropic except Harveyella which is a colorless parasitic red alga. Harveyella cells show secondary pit connections with other parasitic cells or host. Mostly Harveyella is parasitic over Polysiphonia.
Which of the following is colour less parasitic red algae :-a)Cephaleu...
Harveyella is the colourless parasitic red algae.
- Red algae are mostly marine and photosynthetic organisms.
- But some species of red algae are also parasitic in nature.
- Harveyella is a genus of parasitic red algae that infects the thallus of other red algae such as Chondrus, Gigartina, and Iridaea.
- Unlike other red algae, Harveyella lacks pigments like chlorophyll and phycoerythrin, which give the characteristic red colour to red algae.
- Hence, Harveyella appears colourless or white in appearance.
- It obtains nutrients and energy from the host algae by penetrating its cell walls and feeding on its contents.
- Harveyella can cause significant damage to the host algae and affect the ecosystem dynamics.