In what way civil disobedience movement was different from the non coo...
The Civil Disobedience Movement was different from the Non-Cooperation Movement :
Non-Cooperation Movement :(a) The people were asked not to cooperate with the government
(b) Foreign goods were boycotted.
(c) Liquor shops were picketed.
(d) Foreign clothes were burnt in heape.
(e) In many places merchants and traders refused to trade on foreign goods or finance foreign traders.
(f) Students left the government owned schools and college.
(g) Lawyers gave up legal practices.
Civil Disobedience Movement :
(a) People were asked to break colonial laws.
(b) The countrymen broke the salt law.
(c) Peasants refused to pay revenue and chaukidari tax.
(d) Village officials resigned from their jobs.
(e) Forest people violated forest rules
In what way civil disobedience movement was different from the non coo...
The "Non Cooperation Movement"in 1920's included surrender of titles, resignation from nominated seats in local government bodies, boycott of government educational institutions, law courts and foreign goods. Swadeshi also was included later. The movement aimed at boycotting schools, offices and courts.There was mass boycott of foreign goods but no intention of looting shops and factories. Violence did erupt at a few places, but the movement was largely peaceful. Many leaders renounced their titles and left their government jobs. The movement also aspired to spread theuse of the charkha, enrol people as primary members of the Congress and raise money for the Tilak-Swaraj fund.' The Civil Disobedience was organized against repressive laws. Gandhi, supported by Congress had started the agitation for reduction in land revenue, abolition of salt tax, cutting down military expenditure and levying duty onforeign cloth etc. Breaking of the law was the main agenda of the movement.Picketing of liquor shops, burning of foreign goods, etc. were common.A more violent movement than Non Cooperation Movement. Example attack on Dharsana salt factory . The 11 point agenda proposed by Gandhi to Irwin demanded general relaxations and relaxations for farmers and industrialists. Active participation by the capitalists but they were also responsible for the gradual roll-back of the movement.