Which one of the following is a sedimentary cycle?a)Oxygen cycleb)Phos...
Phosphorus cycle is a sedimentary cycle.
The phosphorus cycle is a sedimentary cycle that involves the movement of phosphorus from the earth's crust to living organisms and back to the earth's crust. Here are some key points about the phosphorus cycle:
1. Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for all living organisms, as it is a component of DNA, RNA, and ATP.
2. Phosphorus is found in rocks and minerals in the earth's crust, and it is released into the environment through weathering and erosion.
3. Once released into the environment, phosphorus can be taken up by plants and incorporated into their tissues.
4. Animals that eat these plants then acquire phosphorus, and the nutrient is passed up the food chain.
5. When plants and animals die, their tissues decompose and release phosphorus back into the soil.
6. Over time, phosphorus can become trapped in sediments at the bottom of bodies of water, where it can eventually become part of the earth's crust once again.
7. Human activities, such as the use of fertilizers, can increase the amount of phosphorus in the environment, which can lead to problems such as algal blooms in bodies of water.
In summary, the phosphorus cycle is a sedimentary cycle that involves the movement of phosphorus from the earth's crust to living organisms and back to the earth's crust.
Which one of the following is a sedimentary cycle?a)Oxygen cycleb)Phos...
Examples for sedimentary cycles are sulphur, phosphorus...it's called sedimentary coz it's reservoir is in the Earth's crust ......(just refer ncert)....