Cell wall shows[1991]a)complete permeabilityb)semipermeabilityc)differ...
Cell wall shows complete permeability because it helps in the transport of substances in and out of the cell.
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Cell wall shows[1991]a)complete permeabilityb)semipermeabilityc)differ...
The permitting of the passage of substances into, out of, or through cells, or from one cell to another. These materials traverse either the cellsurface that demarcates the living cytoplasm from the extracellular space or the boundaries between adjacent cells.
Cell wall shows[1991]a)complete permeabilityb)semipermeabilityc)differ...
Cell Wall Permeability
The cell wall of a plant cell is responsible for providing structural support and protection. It is made up of cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin, which form a rigid structure around the cell membrane. The permeability of the cell wall refers to its ability to allow substances to pass through it.
Complete Permeability
In the case of complete permeability, the cell wall allows all substances to pass through freely. This means that molecules of any size can move in and out of the cell without any restriction. This type of permeability is not ideal for a cell, as it can lead to loss of important molecules or entry of harmful substances.
Semipermeability refers to the selective permeability of the cell wall. In this case, only certain substances are allowed to pass through while others are restricted. This is a more controlled and regulated process that helps the cell maintain its internal environment.
Differential Permeability
Differential permeability is a term used to describe the varying permeability of the cell wall to different substances. It means that some molecules may pass through easily, while others may require specific mechanisms or channels for transport.
Impermeability refers to the inability of substances to pass through the cell wall. In this case, the cell wall acts as a barrier that prevents any molecules from crossing. This type of permeability is essential for maintaining the integrity and function of the cell.
In the context of the given question, the correct answer is "complete permeability" because it states that the cell wall shows complete permeability, allowing all substances to pass through without any restriction.