What makes India a federal country ?
India is not a true federation. It combines the features of a federal government and the features of a unitary government which can also be called the non-federal features. Because of this, India is regarded as a semi-federal state.
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What makes India a federal country ?
India is based on a system of federalism as: -
The Constitution provide two-tier government
1st is Central government and
2nd is state government.
which have there own specific powers. and up next panchayat and municipality are added as third tier.
These are the basic factor which make India a federal country.
That's all🙂
What makes India a federal country ?
Apart from a 2 tier system of government, the third tier is added in the form of Panchayats and municipalities.
All tiers enjoy desperate jurisdiction.
The legislative power between central and state government are distributed under three lists:-
A) Union list:-
-subjects of national importance.
-only central government can make laws.
eg:- defence, foreign affairs, banking n etc.
B) State list:-
- subjects of local importance.
regards:- police,trade,commerce n etc.
C) Concurrent list:-
- Subjects of common interest.
-Both government s i.e central n state can make laws.
- eg:- education, forests , marriage n etc.
- Some special Subjects which do not fall under any list s are decided by the central government Such powers are called Residuary powers.
-eg:- computer software.