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Modern Algebra 
1. Groups 
1.1 If R is the set of real number and R
is the set of positive real numbers, show 
that R under addition (R,+) and R
under multiplication (R,+) are isomorphic. 
Similarly, if Q is the set rational numbers and Q
the set of positive rational 
numbers, are (Q
) and (Q
,+) isomorphic? Justify your answer. 
(2009 : 4+8=12 Marks) 
Let R be the set of real number and R
be the set of positive real number. 
We have to show 
Define ?? :R?R
?? (?? )=?? ?? ; where ?? >0 
We will show ?? is one-one. 
ker??? ?={?? ??? |?? (?? )=1}
?={?? ?R|?? ?? =1}
?={?? ?R|?? =log
?? 1
?={?? ?R|?? =0}
??? is 1-1. 
We will show ?? is homomorphism. 
Let ?? ,?? ??? 
Consider ?????????????????????????????????????? (?? +?? )=?? ?? +?? 
=?? ?? ·?? ?? =?? (?? )·?? (?? ) 
Page 2

Modern Algebra 
1. Groups 
1.1 If R is the set of real number and R
is the set of positive real numbers, show 
that R under addition (R,+) and R
under multiplication (R,+) are isomorphic. 
Similarly, if Q is the set rational numbers and Q
the set of positive rational 
numbers, are (Q
) and (Q
,+) isomorphic? Justify your answer. 
(2009 : 4+8=12 Marks) 
Let R be the set of real number and R
be the set of positive real number. 
We have to show 
Define ?? :R?R
?? (?? )=?? ?? ; where ?? >0 
We will show ?? is one-one. 
ker??? ?={?? ??? |?? (?? )=1}
?={?? ?R|?? ?? =1}
?={?? ?R|?? =log
?? 1
?={?? ?R|?? =0}
??? is 1-1. 
We will show ?? is homomorphism. 
Let ?? ,?? ??? 
Consider ?????????????????????????????????????? (?? +?? )=?? ?? +?? 
=?? ?? ·?? ?? =?? (?? )·?? (?? ) 
??? is homomorphism. We will show ?? is onto, i.e., we have to find for any positive real 
number ' ?? ' some real number ?? such that 
?? (?? )?=?? ??.?? .,?????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ?=?? ???? ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ?=?? 
On taking log both sides 
????????????????????????????????????????????????? =log
?? ??? 
???????????????????????????????????????????? (?? )=?? ????? 
Hence, ?? is onto. 
Let ?? be the set of rational numbers and ?? +
be the set of positive rational number. 
If ?? is homomorphism from ?? to ?? +
, then 
?? (?? ,?? )=?? (?? )?? (?? )??? ,?? ??? 
And if image of 1 is known then the image of every element will be known. 
????????????????????????????????????????? (?? )=?? ?? where??? =?? (1) 
If ?? =1,??????????????????????????? (?? )=1                       
??? is trivial homomorphism. 
If ?? ?1,??????????????????????????? (?? )=1 
then                              ?? (?? )=?? ?? ??? +
??? ??? 
which is a contradiction. 
Hence, only trivial homomorphism is possible. 
?????????????????????????????????????(?? ,+)?(?? +
1.2 Determine the number of homomorphisms from the additive group ?? ????
 to the 
additive group ?? ????
. ( ?? ?? is the cyclic group of order ?? ). 
(2009 : 12 Marks) 
Let ?? :Z
 be a homomorphism. 
As Z
 is a cyclic group of order 15 . 
Under homomorphism, if element 1 will be mapped then remaining elements will get 
mapped themselves ( ??? is cyclic) 
Page 3

Modern Algebra 
1. Groups 
1.1 If R is the set of real number and R
is the set of positive real numbers, show 
that R under addition (R,+) and R
under multiplication (R,+) are isomorphic. 
Similarly, if Q is the set rational numbers and Q
the set of positive rational 
numbers, are (Q
) and (Q
,+) isomorphic? Justify your answer. 
(2009 : 4+8=12 Marks) 
Let R be the set of real number and R
be the set of positive real number. 
We have to show 
Define ?? :R?R
?? (?? )=?? ?? ; where ?? >0 
We will show ?? is one-one. 
ker??? ?={?? ??? |?? (?? )=1}
?={?? ?R|?? ?? =1}
?={?? ?R|?? =log
?? 1
?={?? ?R|?? =0}
??? is 1-1. 
We will show ?? is homomorphism. 
Let ?? ,?? ??? 
Consider ?????????????????????????????????????? (?? +?? )=?? ?? +?? 
=?? ?? ·?? ?? =?? (?? )·?? (?? ) 
??? is homomorphism. We will show ?? is onto, i.e., we have to find for any positive real 
number ' ?? ' some real number ?? such that 
?? (?? )?=?? ??.?? .,?????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ?=?? ???? ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ?=?? 
On taking log both sides 
????????????????????????????????????????????????? =log
?? ??? 
???????????????????????????????????????????? (?? )=?? ????? 
Hence, ?? is onto. 
Let ?? be the set of rational numbers and ?? +
be the set of positive rational number. 
If ?? is homomorphism from ?? to ?? +
, then 
?? (?? ,?? )=?? (?? )?? (?? )??? ,?? ??? 
And if image of 1 is known then the image of every element will be known. 
????????????????????????????????????????? (?? )=?? ?? where??? =?? (1) 
If ?? =1,??????????????????????????? (?? )=1                       
??? is trivial homomorphism. 
If ?? ?1,??????????????????????????? (?? )=1 
then                              ?? (?? )=?? ?? ??? +
??? ??? 
which is a contradiction. 
Hence, only trivial homomorphism is possible. 
?????????????????????????????????????(?? ,+)?(?? +
1.2 Determine the number of homomorphisms from the additive group ?? ????
 to the 
additive group ?? ????
. ( ?? ?? is the cyclic group of order ?? ). 
(2009 : 12 Marks) 
Let ?? :Z
 be a homomorphism. 
As Z
 is a cyclic group of order 15 . 
Under homomorphism, if element 1 will be mapped then remaining elements will get 
mapped themselves ( ??? is cyclic) 
?? (1)=?? 
As we know, if ?? is homomorphism from ?? to ?? '
 then ?? (?? (?? )/?? (?? ) where ?? ??? . 
As ?? (1)=??¨. 
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (?? )/?? (?? )=15 
And order of element divides order of group 
??? (?? )/10 As ?? (?? )/15 
?? (?? )/15??? (?? )lg.c.d?(15,10)?? (?? )15 
???????????????????????????????????????????????????? (?? )=1 or ?? (?? )=5 
If ?? (?? )=1. Then it is trivial homomorphism. And if ?? (?? )=5. 
Note : ln?Z
?? , number of elements of order ?? =?? (?? ) ; provided ?????? . 
? In Z
, number of elements of order 5=?? (5)=4. 
? We have 4 possibilities for ?? . 
Total number of homomorphism =4+1=5. 
1.3 Show that the alternating group on four letters ?? ?? has no subgroup of order 6 . 
(2009 : 15 Marks) 
Consider the alternating group ?? 4
?? (?? 4
???(?? 4
We show although 6|12,?? 4
 has no subgroup of order 6 . Suppose ?? is a subgroup of 
?? 1
 and ?? (?? )=6. 
By previous problem the number of distinct 3-cycles in ?? 4
Again, as each 3-cycle will be even permutation all these 3-cycles are in ?? 4
. Obviously 
then, at least one 3-cycle, say s does not belong to ?? (?? (?? )=6) . 
Now, ?? ??? ??? 2
??? , because if ?? 2
??? . 
Page 4

Modern Algebra 
1. Groups 
1.1 If R is the set of real number and R
is the set of positive real numbers, show 
that R under addition (R,+) and R
under multiplication (R,+) are isomorphic. 
Similarly, if Q is the set rational numbers and Q
the set of positive rational 
numbers, are (Q
) and (Q
,+) isomorphic? Justify your answer. 
(2009 : 4+8=12 Marks) 
Let R be the set of real number and R
be the set of positive real number. 
We have to show 
Define ?? :R?R
?? (?? )=?? ?? ; where ?? >0 
We will show ?? is one-one. 
ker??? ?={?? ??? |?? (?? )=1}
?={?? ?R|?? ?? =1}
?={?? ?R|?? =log
?? 1
?={?? ?R|?? =0}
??? is 1-1. 
We will show ?? is homomorphism. 
Let ?? ,?? ??? 
Consider ?????????????????????????????????????? (?? +?? )=?? ?? +?? 
=?? ?? ·?? ?? =?? (?? )·?? (?? ) 
??? is homomorphism. We will show ?? is onto, i.e., we have to find for any positive real 
number ' ?? ' some real number ?? such that 
?? (?? )?=?? ??.?? .,?????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ?=?? ???? ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ?=?? 
On taking log both sides 
????????????????????????????????????????????????? =log
?? ??? 
???????????????????????????????????????????? (?? )=?? ????? 
Hence, ?? is onto. 
Let ?? be the set of rational numbers and ?? +
be the set of positive rational number. 
If ?? is homomorphism from ?? to ?? +
, then 
?? (?? ,?? )=?? (?? )?? (?? )??? ,?? ??? 
And if image of 1 is known then the image of every element will be known. 
????????????????????????????????????????? (?? )=?? ?? where??? =?? (1) 
If ?? =1,??????????????????????????? (?? )=1                       
??? is trivial homomorphism. 
If ?? ?1,??????????????????????????? (?? )=1 
then                              ?? (?? )=?? ?? ??? +
??? ??? 
which is a contradiction. 
Hence, only trivial homomorphism is possible. 
?????????????????????????????????????(?? ,+)?(?? +
1.2 Determine the number of homomorphisms from the additive group ?? ????
 to the 
additive group ?? ????
. ( ?? ?? is the cyclic group of order ?? ). 
(2009 : 12 Marks) 
Let ?? :Z
 be a homomorphism. 
As Z
 is a cyclic group of order 15 . 
Under homomorphism, if element 1 will be mapped then remaining elements will get 
mapped themselves ( ??? is cyclic) 
?? (1)=?? 
As we know, if ?? is homomorphism from ?? to ?? '
 then ?? (?? (?? )/?? (?? ) where ?? ??? . 
As ?? (1)=??¨. 
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (?? )/?? (?? )=15 
And order of element divides order of group 
??? (?? )/10 As ?? (?? )/15 
?? (?? )/15??? (?? )lg.c.d?(15,10)?? (?? )15 
???????????????????????????????????????????????????? (?? )=1 or ?? (?? )=5 
If ?? (?? )=1. Then it is trivial homomorphism. And if ?? (?? )=5. 
Note : ln?Z
?? , number of elements of order ?? =?? (?? ) ; provided ?????? . 
? In Z
, number of elements of order 5=?? (5)=4. 
? We have 4 possibilities for ?? . 
Total number of homomorphism =4+1=5. 
1.3 Show that the alternating group on four letters ?? ?? has no subgroup of order 6 . 
(2009 : 15 Marks) 
Consider the alternating group ?? 4
?? (?? 4
???(?? 4
We show although 6|12,?? 4
 has no subgroup of order 6 . Suppose ?? is a subgroup of 
?? 1
 and ?? (?? )=6. 
By previous problem the number of distinct 3-cycles in ?? 4
Again, as each 3-cycle will be even permutation all these 3-cycles are in ?? 4
. Obviously 
then, at least one 3-cycle, say s does not belong to ?? (?? (?? )=6) . 
Now, ?? ??? ??? 2
??? , because if ?? 2
??? . 
Then,?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 2
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??? 
???? (???? )=
?? (?? )·?? (?? )
?? (?? n?? )
not possible as ???? ??? 4
 and ?? (?? 4
1.4 Let ?? =?? -{-?? } be the set of all real numbers omitting -1 . Define the binary 
relation * on ?? by ?? *?? = ?? +?? +???? . Show (?? ,*) is a group and it is abelian. 
(2010 : 12 Marks) 
Given : Binary relation * as 
?? *?? =??? +?? +???? ,where??? ,?? ??? ??? 
Closure : Let ?? ,?? ??? 
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? *?? =??? +?? +???? 
if ?? +?? +???? =-1, then 
?? +?? +???? +1 =0
? (1+?? )+?? (1+?? ) =0
? (1+?? )+(1+?? ) =0
? either 1+?? =0??? =-1
 or 1+?? =0??? =-1
? both ?? ,?? ??? 
? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?-1 and ?? ?-1
? ???????????????????????????????????? +?? +???? ?-1 for any ?? ,?? ??? ? ???????????????????????????????????? +?? +???? ?-1 for any ?? ,?? ??? ? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? *?? ??? 
So, closure is satisfied. 
Associative : Let ?? ,?? ,?? ??? 
???????????????????????????????????????(?? *?? )*?? ?=(?? +?? +???? )*?? ?=?? +?? +???? +?? +(?? +?? +???? )?? ?=?? +?? +???? +?? +???? +???? +?????? ?=?? +?? +?? +???? +???? +???? +?????? 
???????? ,????????????????????????????????? *(?? *?? )=?? *(?? +?? +???? ) 
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????=?? +?? +?? +???? +?? (?? +?? +???? ) 
Page 5

Modern Algebra 
1. Groups 
1.1 If R is the set of real number and R
is the set of positive real numbers, show 
that R under addition (R,+) and R
under multiplication (R,+) are isomorphic. 
Similarly, if Q is the set rational numbers and Q
the set of positive rational 
numbers, are (Q
) and (Q
,+) isomorphic? Justify your answer. 
(2009 : 4+8=12 Marks) 
Let R be the set of real number and R
be the set of positive real number. 
We have to show 
Define ?? :R?R
?? (?? )=?? ?? ; where ?? >0 
We will show ?? is one-one. 
ker??? ?={?? ??? |?? (?? )=1}
?={?? ?R|?? ?? =1}
?={?? ?R|?? =log
?? 1
?={?? ?R|?? =0}
??? is 1-1. 
We will show ?? is homomorphism. 
Let ?? ,?? ??? 
Consider ?????????????????????????????????????? (?? +?? )=?? ?? +?? 
=?? ?? ·?? ?? =?? (?? )·?? (?? ) 
??? is homomorphism. We will show ?? is onto, i.e., we have to find for any positive real 
number ' ?? ' some real number ?? such that 
?? (?? )?=?? ??.?? .,?????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ?=?? ???? ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ?=?? 
On taking log both sides 
????????????????????????????????????????????????? =log
?? ??? 
???????????????????????????????????????????? (?? )=?? ????? 
Hence, ?? is onto. 
Let ?? be the set of rational numbers and ?? +
be the set of positive rational number. 
If ?? is homomorphism from ?? to ?? +
, then 
?? (?? ,?? )=?? (?? )?? (?? )??? ,?? ??? 
And if image of 1 is known then the image of every element will be known. 
????????????????????????????????????????? (?? )=?? ?? where??? =?? (1) 
If ?? =1,??????????????????????????? (?? )=1                       
??? is trivial homomorphism. 
If ?? ?1,??????????????????????????? (?? )=1 
then                              ?? (?? )=?? ?? ??? +
??? ??? 
which is a contradiction. 
Hence, only trivial homomorphism is possible. 
?????????????????????????????????????(?? ,+)?(?? +
1.2 Determine the number of homomorphisms from the additive group ?? ????
 to the 
additive group ?? ????
. ( ?? ?? is the cyclic group of order ?? ). 
(2009 : 12 Marks) 
Let ?? :Z
 be a homomorphism. 
As Z
 is a cyclic group of order 15 . 
Under homomorphism, if element 1 will be mapped then remaining elements will get 
mapped themselves ( ??? is cyclic) 
?? (1)=?? 
As we know, if ?? is homomorphism from ?? to ?? '
 then ?? (?? (?? )/?? (?? ) where ?? ??? . 
As ?? (1)=??¨. 
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (?? )/?? (?? )=15 
And order of element divides order of group 
??? (?? )/10 As ?? (?? )/15 
?? (?? )/15??? (?? )lg.c.d?(15,10)?? (?? )15 
???????????????????????????????????????????????????? (?? )=1 or ?? (?? )=5 
If ?? (?? )=1. Then it is trivial homomorphism. And if ?? (?? )=5. 
Note : ln?Z
?? , number of elements of order ?? =?? (?? ) ; provided ?????? . 
? In Z
, number of elements of order 5=?? (5)=4. 
? We have 4 possibilities for ?? . 
Total number of homomorphism =4+1=5. 
1.3 Show that the alternating group on four letters ?? ?? has no subgroup of order 6 . 
(2009 : 15 Marks) 
Consider the alternating group ?? 4
?? (?? 4
???(?? 4
We show although 6|12,?? 4
 has no subgroup of order 6 . Suppose ?? is a subgroup of 
?? 1
 and ?? (?? )=6. 
By previous problem the number of distinct 3-cycles in ?? 4
Again, as each 3-cycle will be even permutation all these 3-cycles are in ?? 4
. Obviously 
then, at least one 3-cycle, say s does not belong to ?? (?? (?? )=6) . 
Now, ?? ??? ??? 2
??? , because if ?? 2
??? . 
Then,?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 2
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??? 
???? (???? )=
?? (?? )·?? (?? )
?? (?? n?? )
not possible as ???? ??? 4
 and ?? (?? 4
1.4 Let ?? =?? -{-?? } be the set of all real numbers omitting -1 . Define the binary 
relation * on ?? by ?? *?? = ?? +?? +???? . Show (?? ,*) is a group and it is abelian. 
(2010 : 12 Marks) 
Given : Binary relation * as 
?? *?? =??? +?? +???? ,where??? ,?? ??? ??? 
Closure : Let ?? ,?? ??? 
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? *?? =??? +?? +???? 
if ?? +?? +???? =-1, then 
?? +?? +???? +1 =0
? (1+?? )+?? (1+?? ) =0
? (1+?? )+(1+?? ) =0
? either 1+?? =0??? =-1
 or 1+?? =0??? =-1
? both ?? ,?? ??? 
? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?-1 and ?? ?-1
? ???????????????????????????????????? +?? +???? ?-1 for any ?? ,?? ??? ? ???????????????????????????????????? +?? +???? ?-1 for any ?? ,?? ??? ? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? *?? ??? 
So, closure is satisfied. 
Associative : Let ?? ,?? ,?? ??? 
???????????????????????????????????????(?? *?? )*?? ?=(?? +?? +???? )*?? ?=?? +?? +???? +?? +(?? +?? +???? )?? ?=?? +?? +???? +?? +???? +???? +?????? ?=?? +?? +?? +???? +???? +???? +?????? 
???????? ,????????????????????????????????? *(?? *?? )=?? *(?? +?? +???? ) 
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????=?? +?? +?? +???? +?? (?? +?? +???? ) 
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????=?? +?? +?? +???? +???? +???? +?????? 
as??????????????????????????????????????(?? *?? )*?? =?? *(?? *?? ) 
? Associative property is satisfied. 
Let                                        ?? *?? =?? =?? +?? +???? 
??????????????????????????????????? +?? +???? =?? ?????????
??????????????????????????????????????? (1+?? )=0 ?????????
 as???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?-1??? =0?????????
??? =0 is an identity and as ?? ??? . 
? identity exists. 
Inverse : 
?????? ???????????????????????????????????? *?? ?=0=?? +?? +????
?? (1+?? )?=-?? ??? =
-?? 1+?? ??????????????????????????????????????(?? ?-1)?????????????
-?? 1+?? ??? 
? Inverse exists. 
As closure, associative property, identity, inverse conditions are satisfied. ?(?? ,*) is a 
Now,                                    ?? *?? =?? +?? +???? 
???????????????????????????????????????????????????? *?? =?? +?? +???? =?? +?? +???? 
As                                          ?? *?? =?? *?? 
?(?? ,*) is abelian. 
1.5 Show that a cyclic group of order 6 is isomorphic to the product of a cyclic 
group of order 2 and a cyclic group of order 3 . Can you generalize this? Justify. 
(2010 : 12 Marks) 
Let ??? 6
 is cyclic group of order 6 
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FAQs on Groups - Mathematics Optional Notes for UPSC

1. What is the full form of UPSC?
Ans. The full form of UPSC is Union Public Service Commission.
2. How many stages are there in the UPSC exam?
Ans. The UPSC exam consists of three stages - Preliminary Examination, Main Examination, and Personality Test (Interview).
3. What is the eligibility criteria to appear for the UPSC exam?
Ans. Candidates must have a bachelor's degree from a recognized university to be eligible for the UPSC exam. The age limit varies depending on the category of the candidate.
4. What are the subjects included in the UPSC Main Examination?
Ans. The UPSC Main Examination consists of nine papers including Essay, General Studies, Optional Subject, and two language papers.
5. How can I prepare effectively for the UPSC exam?
Ans. Effective preparation for the UPSC exam involves creating a study schedule, referring to standard study materials, practicing previous year question papers, and staying updated with current affairs. Coaching classes and self-study can also be beneficial.
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