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How to study Polity using the EduRev App? | Indian Polity for UPSC CSE PDF Download

EduRev's team has mentored thousands of students in the last 3-years, including Anudeep Durishetty AIR 1 UPSC CSE 2017, and one thing that was common that a lot of time of an aspirant is wasted in compiling the sources from different sources and studying them efficiently.

How to study Polity using the EduRev App? | Indian Polity for UPSC CSE

Our team has spent the last 2-years interacting with toppers, teachers who have mentored these toppers, understanding their strategies, sources that they referred to during the preparation, compiling these sources & making them available to you at a single click in the EduRev App, saving hundreds of hours wasted in setting the base for the preparation.
This document will briefly help you understand how you can leverage EduRev smartly to crack the UPSC exam & study what actually matters to crack the exam.

1. Understand Polity Syllabus & PYQs

It is recommended to start with the understanding of the syllabus & analysis of previous year questions of UPSC Prelims & Mains to understand the pattern of the exam and what kind of questions are being asked in the exam, which you can easily find under the Advice to Aspirants hierarchy in the Indian Polity Course.

Advice to Aspirants Hierarchy in the Indian Polity Course on EduRev Advice to Aspirants Hierarchy in the Indian Polity Course on EduRev

2. Focus on NCERTs

2.1 NCERT Textbooks for conceptual understanding 

Once you're done with the understanding of the syllabus & previous year's questions, you should start your UPSC preparation with NCERT Textbooks. Just like Advice to Aspirants, there's a section of NCERT Books Summaries and Tests in the Indian Polity course on EduRev.

NCERT Textbook Section in Indian Polity Course on EduRevNCERT Textbook Section in Indian Polity Course on EduRev

2.2 NCERT Summaries for quick revision

In case if you've already read the NCERTs, we recommend you to go through NCERT summaries for a quick revision.

NCERT Summaries of Indian Polity on EduRev NCERT Summaries of Indian Polity on EduRev

2.3 NCERT based Tests for practicing

After you’ve read the NCERTs and their summaries, it is recommended to attempt MCQ tests to help you strengthen your concepts. All these tests have been prepared by the experts of EduRev as per the latest pattern of the UPSC exam.
You can find NCERT Based Tests for UPSC CSE here.

NCERT based test of Indian Polity NCERT based test of Indian Polity

3. Bible for Polity: Reference Book Laxmikanth

“Indian Polity” by Laxmikant is considered as a bible for the preparation of the polity section. It is interesting to note that the book simplifies the concept of the Constitution and its various schedules for the easy understanding of the aspirants.

EduRev offers a course with summaries & MCQ Tests for the famous reference book: Laxmikanth for Indian Polity. 

Summary and Tests of Laxmikanth for Indian Polity at EduRevSummary and Tests of Laxmikanth for Indian Polity at EduRev

4. Stay Updated with Current Affairs

All the above-mentioned information/sources will help you strengthen your concepts and covers the static part. However, for the dynamic part, you should stay updated with current affairs as questions are asked in a way that both the current affairs and the static portion is interlinked.

You can go through the course: Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly Compilation & can keep yourself up to date with the recent subjectwise current affairs.

Monthly Current Affairs of Indian PolityMonthly Current Affairs of Indian Polity

5. Perfect Your Concepts 

Perfect your concepts and master the subjects through Video Lectures, Notes & MCQ tests.

5.1 Video Lectures 

Once you are thorough with the basic understanding of the concepts through NCERTs, you should continue the learning with the videos. You can find video lectures under each topic in the videos section here.

Video Lectures of Constitution of IndiaVideo Lectures of Constitution of India

EduRev Videos with TimeLine and intext questionsEduRev Videos with TimeLine and intext questions

5.2 Detailed Notes 

EduRev UPSC experts have prepared notes in a structured manner with well-explained images to help you understand the topics and cover all its aspects. It is a great way to revise what you have already learned through the NCERTs and videos. You can find detailed notes under each topic in the docs section here.

EduRev notes prepared by UPSC ExpertsEduRev notes prepared by UPSC Experts

5.3 MCQ Tests

MCQ tests on all the important topics and sub-topics of polity are available on EduRev. These tests will help you to self-evaluate and check, how strong your grasp is on a particular topic. You can find MCQ tests under each topic in the tests section here.

MCQ tests of various topics on EduRevMCQ tests of various topics on EduRev

6. Mock Tests & Previous Year Questions:

  • Polity questions in prelims can get tricky as in the first look of it, all options look similar and this may lead to confusion and ambiguity. In order to be easy with the subject solve lots of mock tests. You can attempt Polity Mock Tests from here to clear your confusion and ambiguity.
  • You can get the last 10-years of UPSC Prelims & Mains papers from here - UPSC Previous Year Question Papers and can also refer to the topic-wise questions of Indian Polity from the last 25-years here.

1. Courses for all the subjects

Various Courses for UPSC are available on EduRevVarious Courses for UPSC are available on EduRev

2. Prepare each subject well with EduRev App. 


Happy Learning with EduRev!

The document How to study Polity using the EduRev App? | Indian Polity for UPSC CSE is a part of the UPSC Course Indian Polity for UPSC CSE.
All you need of UPSC at this link: UPSC
145 videos|630 docs|203 tests

FAQs on How to study Polity using the EduRev App? - Indian Polity for UPSC CSE

1. How can I effectively study Polity for exams?
Ans. To effectively study Polity for exams, you can follow these steps: 1. Understand the Polity syllabus and previous year question papers to know the exam pattern and important topics. 2. Focus on reading the NCERT textbooks, as they provide a strong foundation for Polity concepts. 3. Use the reference book "Indian Polity" by M. Laxmikanth, which is considered the bible for Polity preparation. 4. Stay updated with current affairs related to Polity, as questions on recent developments are often asked in exams. 5. Perfect your understanding of Polity concepts by revising and practicing regularly. 6. Take mock tests and solve previous year question papers to assess your preparation and get familiar with the exam format.
2. Which book is recommended for studying Polity?
Ans. The book "Indian Polity" by M. Laxmikanth is highly recommended for studying Polity. It covers all the important topics in a comprehensive manner and is considered the go-to reference book for Polity preparation.
3. How important is it to stay updated with current affairs for Polity exams?
Ans. Staying updated with current affairs is crucial for Polity exams. Many questions in the exams are based on recent developments and changes in the political and constitutional landscape. By staying updated, you will be able to answer such questions accurately and also understand the practical application of Polity concepts.
4. What is the significance of solving mock tests and previous year question papers for Polity exams?
Ans. Solving mock tests and previous year question papers is important for Polity exam preparation. It helps you in: - Familiarizing yourself with the exam pattern and format. - Identifying your strengths and weaknesses in Polity concepts. - Practicing time management and improving your speed in answering questions. - Getting an idea of the types of questions asked in the exams and their difficulty level. - Assessing your preparation level and making necessary improvements.
5. Can you provide some important links or resources for studying Polity?
Ans. Some important links and resources for studying Polity are: - EduRev App: It provides comprehensive study materials, notes, videos, and practice questions for Polity. - Official website of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC): It provides the syllabus, previous year question papers, and other important information related to Polity exams. - Online platforms like Unacademy, Khan Academy, and YouTube: They offer free video lectures and tutorials on Polity. - Online forums and discussion groups: They can be helpful for clarifying doubts and discussing Polity concepts with fellow aspirants.
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How to study Polity using the EduRev App? | Indian Polity for UPSC CSE


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How to study Polity using the EduRev App? | Indian Polity for UPSC CSE
