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Natural Vegetation & Wildlife Summary Class 7 Geography Chapter 1

Natural Vegetation

  • Natural Vegetation refers to the plant life of a region which grown naturally.
  • The type and thickness of natural vegetation varies from place to place because of the variation in these factors.
  • Natural Vegetation is classified into three broad categories:
    • Forests: Which grow where temperature and rainfall are plentiful to support a tree cover.
    • Grasslands: Which grow in the region of moderate rain.
    • Shrubs: Thorny shrurbs and scrubs grow in the dry region.
  • The changes in the type of natural vegetation occur mainly because of the changes of climatic condition.


Tropical Evergreen Forests

  • Also called tropical rainforests.
  • These thick forests occur in the regions near the equator and close to the tropics.
  • These regions are hot and receive heavy rainfall throughout the year.
  • As there is no particular dry season, the trees do not shed their leaves altogether. Thus, they are called evergreen.
  • Common trees: Hardwood trees like rosewood, ebony, mahogany.

Tropical Deciduous Forests

  • These are monsoon forests found in the large part of India, northern Australia and in central America.
  • Trees shed their leaves in the dry season to conserve water.
  • Common trees: Hardwood trees like sal, teak, neem and shisham.
  • Common Animals: Tigers, lions, elephants, langoors and monkeys.
  • Importance of Hardwood trees:
    • useful for making furniture, transport and constructional materials.

Temperate Evergreen Forests

  • These forests are located in the mid-latitudinal coastal region.
  • Commonly found along the eastern margin of the continents, e.g., In south east, USA, South China and in South East Brazil.
  • Common trees: both hard and soft wood trees like oak, pine, eucalyptus, etc.

Temperate Deciduous Forests

  • These are present at higher latitudes.
  • These are found in the north eastern part of USA, China, New Zealand, Chile and also found in the coastal regions of Western Europe.
  • They shed their leaves in the dry season. 
  • Common trees: Oak, ash, beech, etc. 
  • Common animals: Deer, foxes, wolves
  • Birds like pheasants, monals are also found here.

Mediterranean Vegetation

  • These are present at west and south west margins of the continents.
  • It is mostly found in the areas around the Mediterranean sea in Europe, Africa and Asia which given its name.
  • It is also found outside the actual Mediterranean region in California in the USA, south west Africa, south western South America and South west Australia.
  • These are found in the areas of hot dry summers and mild rainy winters.
  • Common vegetation: Citrus fruits such as oranges, figs, olives and grapes.
  • There isn’t much wildlife here.

Coniferous Forests

  • These trees are found in higher latitudes (50° – 70°) of Northern hemisphere.
  • These are also called as Taiga.
  • These forests are also seen in the higher altitudes.
  • Common trees: Chir, pine, cedar
  • Common animals: Silver fox, mink, polar bear.
  • Trees are tall, softwood evergreen trees.
    • The woods of these trees are very useful for making pulp, which is used for manufacturing paper and newsprint.
    • Match boxes and packing boxes are also made from softwood.


Tropical grasslands 

  • These occur on either side of the equator and extend till the tropics.
  • This vegetation grows in the areas of moderate to low amount of rainfall. 
  • The grass can grow very tall, about 3 to 4 metres in height.
  • Example: Savannah grasslands of Africa.
  • Common animals: Elephants, zebras, giraffes, deer, leopards.

Temperate grasslands

  • These are found in the mid- latitudinal zones and in the interior part of the continents.
  • Grass here is short and nutritious.
  • Common animals:Wild buffaloes, bisons, antilopes.

Thorny bushes

  • These are found in the dry desert like regions which are located on the western margins of the continents.
  • The vegetation cover is scarce because of scanty rain and scorching heat.

Polar region

  • This place is extremely cold.
  • The growth of natural vegetation is very limited here.
  • Only mosses, lichens and very small shrubs are found here which grows during the very short summer.
    • This is called Tundra type of vegetation.
  • This vegetation is found in the polar areas of Europe, Asia and North America.
  • The animals have thick fur and thick skin to protect themselves from the cold climatic conditions.
  • Common animals: Seal, walruses, musk-oxen, Arctic owl, Polar bear and snow foxes.
The document Natural Vegetation & Wildlife Summary Class 7 Geography Chapter 1 is a part of the UPSC Course NCERT Video Summary: Class 6 to Class 12 (English).
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FAQs on Natural Vegetation & Wildlife Summary Class 7 Geography Chapter 1

1. What is natural vegetation?
Ans. Natural vegetation refers to the plant life that grows naturally in a particular region without any human interference or cultivation. It includes trees, shrubs, grasses, and other plants that have adapted to the local climate, soil, and other environmental conditions.
2. What are the factors influencing the distribution of natural vegetation?
Ans. The distribution of natural vegetation is influenced by various factors such as climate, soil type, topography, and altitude. Different types of vegetation thrive in different climatic conditions, soil characteristics, and at different altitudes. For example, tropical rainforests are found in regions with high rainfall and temperatures, while deserts have sparse vegetation due to arid conditions.
3. What are the types of natural vegetation found in India?
Ans. India is known for its rich and diverse natural vegetation. The major types of natural vegetation found in India are tropical rainforests, deciduous forests, thorn forests, Himalayan forests, and mangrove forests. Each type of vegetation is found in specific regions based on the climatic and geographical conditions.
4. How does natural vegetation support wildlife?
Ans. Natural vegetation provides essential habitat and food sources for wildlife. Different types of vegetation attract various animal species, providing them with shelter, nesting sites, and food. For example, dense forests provide a suitable habitat for large mammals like tigers and elephants, while wetlands and mangroves support a variety of water-loving species.
5. What are the major threats to natural vegetation and wildlife?
Ans. Natural vegetation and wildlife face several threats, including deforestation, habitat loss, pollution, climate change, and illegal poaching. Human activities such as clearing forests for agriculture, urbanization, and industrialization lead to the destruction of natural habitats. Pollution from industries and human settlements also negatively impact the health and survival of vegetation and wildlife. Additionally, climate change disrupts the natural balance and availability of resources, affecting the survival of various species.
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