Panchayati Raj - 1 Video Lecture | Laxmikanth for Indian Polity: Summaries, MCQs & videos - UPSC

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FAQs on Panchayati Raj - 1 Video Lecture - Laxmikanth for Indian Polity: Summaries, MCQs & videos - UPSC

1. What is Panchayati Raj?
Ans. Panchayati Raj refers to the system of local self-government in rural areas of India. It involves the establishment of elected village panchayats, intermediate-level panchayat samitis, and district-level zila parishads. These institutions aim to decentralize power and decision-making, empowering local communities to manage their own affairs.
2. How does Panchayati Raj empower rural communities?
Ans. Panchayati Raj empowers rural communities by providing them with the opportunity to participate in decision-making processes and take charge of their own development. Through elected representatives, villagers can directly voice their concerns and needs, leading to the formulation and implementation of policies that cater to their specific requirements.
3. What are the key features of Panchayati Raj?
Ans. The key features of Panchayati Raj include democratic decentralization, elected representatives at the village, block, and district levels, devolution of powers and functions to the panchayats, financial resources allocation, and social justice. It aims to ensure local self-governance, empower marginalized sections of society, and foster inclusive development.
4. How is Panchayati Raj structured?
Ans. Panchayati Raj is structured in a three-tier system. At the village level, elected representatives form the gram panchayat. These representatives further elect members for the panchayat samiti at the block level. Finally, members of the panchayat samitis elect representatives for the zila parishad at the district level. This hierarchical structure ensures effective governance and decision-making.
5. What are the benefits of Panchayati Raj for rural development?
Ans. Panchayati Raj brings several benefits for rural development. It promotes participatory democracy, ensuring people's involvement in decision-making. It facilitates the implementation of locally relevant development programs and projects. Additionally, it helps in the equitable distribution of resources, enhances accountability, and fosters social and economic development at the grassroots level.
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