Class 12 Exam  >  Sample Papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical
Sample Papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12

 ·  Last updated on Feb 17, 2025
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EduRev presents a comprehensive course titled "Sample Papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical Course for NEET." This course is designed to help st ... view more udents prepare effectively for the NEET exam by providing them with a wide range of sample papers specifically tailored for class 12 medical and non-medical subjects. With repeated emphasis on the keywords "sample papers," "class 12," "medical," "non-medical," and "NEET," this course ensures that students gain the necessary practice and confidence to excel in their exams. Trust EduRev for the best study materials, and never settle for anything less.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Study Material

Sample Papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical
159 Docs | 4 Tests | 4 Subtopics

Sample Papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical CBSE Exam Pattern 2025-2026

Sample Papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical Exam Pattern for NEET

Preparing for the Class 12 medical and non-medical exams can be a daunting task, especially when aiming to crack the highly competitive NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) for medical admissions. To excel in these exams, students need to have a clear understanding of the exam pattern and practice solving sample papers. Here, we provide you with an overview of the exam pattern for NEET and the importance of solving sample papers.

Exam Pattern for NEET:

1. Mode: NEET is conducted in offline mode (pen and paper-based).

2. Duration: The exam duration is 3 hours.

3. Type of Questions: NEET consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with four options, where only one option is correct.

4. Number of Questions: The question paper comprises 180 questions.

5. Subjects: The exam covers three main subjects - Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (Botany and Zoology).

6. Marking Scheme: Each correct answer carries +4 marks, while each incorrect answer results in a deduction of -1 mark.

7. Syllabus: The syllabus for NEET is based on the Class 11 and Class 12 curriculum of various state and national boards.

Importance of Solving Sample Papers:

1. Familiarity with Exam Pattern: Solving sample papers helps students get acquainted with the actual exam pattern, allowing them to understand the distribution of questions, difficulty level, and time management.

2. Self-Assessment: By solving sample papers, students can assess their knowledge and identify their strengths and weaknesses in different topics. This allows them to focus on areas that require improvement.

3. Time Management: Sample papers provide an opportunity for students to practice time management skills. They can learn to allocate the right amount of time to each section and improve their speed and accuracy.

4. Boost Confidence: Regular practice with sample papers builds confidence in students, as they become familiar with the question patterns, topics, and level of difficulty. This boosts their confidence and reduces exam anxiety.

5. Identifying Exam Strategies: Solving sample papers helps students develop effective strategies to approach different types of questions, such as elimination techniques, prioritizing questions, and managing time efficiently.

In conclusion, solving sample papers for Class 12 medical and non-medical exams, specifically tailored to the NEET exam pattern, is crucial for achieving success. It helps students gain a comprehensive understanding of the exam format, assess their knowledge, and develop effective strategies. By regularly practicing with sample papers, students can enhance their performance and increase their chances of securing a good rank in NEET.

Sample Papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical Syllabus 2025-2026 PDF Download

Syllabus for NEET

NEET Sample Papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical

  • NEET Physics

    • Physical World and Measurement: Scope and excitement of physics, physics as a discipline, scientific and technological developments, units and measurements.

    • Kinematics: Frame of reference, motion in a straight line, position-time graph, speed and velocity, relative velocity, uniform and non-uniform motion.

    • Laws of Motion: Intuitive concept of force, Newton's laws of motion, inertia, momentum, friction, application of Newton's laws of motion.

    • Work, Energy and Power: Work done by a constant force and a variable force, kinetic energy and work-energy theorem, power.

    • Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body: Centre of mass of a two-particle system, momentum conservation and centre of mass motion, equations of motion of rigid body about a fixed axis, moment of inertia, radius of gyration, parallel and perpendicular axes theorems, rotational kinetic energy, torque and angular momentum, conservation of angular momentum, rolling motion.

    • Gravitation: Universal law of gravitation, acceleration due to gravity and its variation with altitude and depth.

    • Properties of Bulk Matter: Elastic behavior, stress-strain relationship, Hooke's law, Young's modulus, bulk modulus, shear modulus of rigidity, fluids, pressure, Pascal's law, Archimedes' principle, Bernoulli's equation, surface energy and surface tension, capillary rise, viscosity, Stokes' law, streamline and turbulent flow, Reynolds number.

    • Thermodynamics: Thermal equilibrium, zeroth law of thermodynamics, concept of temperature, heat, work and internal energy, first law of thermodynamics, specific heat capacity, calorimetry, latent heat, heat transfer.

    • Behaviour of Perfect Gases and Kinetic Theory: Equation of state of a perfect gas, work done on compressing a gas, concept of absolute temperature, kinetic theory of gases, law of equipartition of energy, mean free path, Avogadro's number.

    • Oscillations and Waves: Periodic motion, simple harmonic motion (S.H.M.) and its equation, energy in S.H.M., oscillations of a spring, simple pendulum, wave motion, types of waves, longitudinal and transverse waves, superposition principle, reflection, refraction, standing waves in strings and organ pipes, fundamental mode and harmonics, beats, Doppler effect.

  • NEET Chemistry

    • Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry: Matter and its nature, Dalton's atomic theory, concept of atom, molecule, element and compound, physical quantities and their measurements in chemistry, precision and accuracy, significant figures, chemical reactions, stoichiometry and calculations based on stoichiometry.

    • Structure of Atom: Discovery of electron, proton and neutron, atomic number, isotopes and isobars, Thomson's model and its limitations, Rutherford's model and its limitations, Bohr's model and its limitations, concept of shells and subshells, dual nature of matter and light, de Broglie's relationship, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, concept of orbitals, quantum numbers, shapes of s, p and d orbitals, rules for filling electrons in orbitals - Aufbau principle, Pauli's exclusion principle and Hund's rule, electronic configuration of atoms, stability of half-filled and completely filled orbitals.

    • Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties: Need for classification, Modern periodic table, gradation in properties, valency, atomic size, metallic and non-metallic properties.

    • Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure: Kossel - Lewis approach to chemical bonding, ionic bond, covalent bond, bond parameters, Lewis structure, polar character of covalent bond, valence bond theory, resonance, geometry of molecules, VSEPR theory, concept of hybridization, involving s, p and d orbitals and shapes of some simple molecules, molecular orbital theory of homonuclear diatomic molecules (qualitative idea only), hydrogen bond.

    • States of Matter: Gases and Liquids: Three states of matter, intermolecular interactions, types of bonding, melting and boiling points, role of gas laws of elucidating the concept of the molecule, Boyle's law, Charles' law, Gay Lussac's law, Avogadro's law, ideal behaviour, empirical derivation of gas equation, Avogadro's number, ideal gas equation, deviation from ideal behaviour, liquefaction of gases, critical temperature, kinetic energy and molecular speeds (elementary idea), Liquid State: vapour pressure, viscosity and surface tension (qualitative idea only, no mathematical derivations).

    • Chemical Thermodynamics: Concepts of system, types of systems, surroundings, work, heat, energy, extensive and intensive properties, state functions, first law of thermodynamics, heat capacity, molar heat capacity, calorimetry, second law of thermodynamics, Spontaneity of processes, entropy as a state function, Gibbs energy change for spontaneous and non-spontaneous processes, criteria for equilibrium.

    • Equilibrium: Equilibrium in physical and chemical processes, dynamic nature of equilibrium, law of mass action, equilibrium constant, factors affecting equilibrium, Le Chatelier's principle, ionic equilibrium, ionization of acids and bases, strong and weak electrolytes, degree of ionization, ionization of polybasic acids, acid strength, concept of pH, buffer solution, Henderson equation, solubility product, common ion effect (with illustrative examples).

    • Redox Reactions: Concept of oxidation and reduction, redox reactions, oxidation number, balancing redox reactions in terms of loss and gain of electron and change in oxidation number, applications of redox reactions.

    • Hydrogen: Position of hydrogen in periodic table, occurrence, isotopes, preparation, properties and uses of hydrogen, hydrides - ionic, covalent and interstitial, physical and chemical properties of water, heavy water, hydrogen peroxide - preparation, reactions and structure, hydrogen as a fuel.

    • S-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals): Group 1 and Group 2 Elements

    • P-Block Elements: Group 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 Elements

    • d- and f- Block Elements: Transition Elements, Lanthanides and Actinides

    • Co-ordination Compounds: Introduction to co-ordination compounds, Werner's theory, ligands, co-ordination number, denticity, chelation, IUPAC nomenclature of mononuclear co-ordination compounds, isomerism, bonding, stability of co-ordination compounds, importance of co-ordination compounds (in qualitative analysis, extraction of metals and biological system).

    • Environmental Chemistry: Environmental pollution - air, water and soil pollution, chemical reactions in atmosphere, smog, major atmospheric pollutants, acid rain, ozone and its reactions, effects of depletion of ozone layer, greenhouse effect and global warming - pollution due to industrial wastes, green chemistry as an alternative tool for reducing pollution, strategy for control of environmental pollution.

    • Organic Chemistry: Some basic principles and techniques, general introduction, methods of purification, qualitative and quantitative analysis, classification and IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds, electronic displacement in a covalent bond - inductive effect, electromeric effect, resonance and hyperconjugation, homolytic and heterolytic fission of a covalent bond - free radicals, carbocations, carbanions, electrophiles and nucleophiles, types of organic reactions, general introduction to mechanisms of organic reactions, hydrocarbons - classification, isomerism, general methods of preparation, properties and reactions, alkanes, alkenes and alkynes.

  • NEET Mathematics

    • Sets, Relations and Functions: Sets and their representation, Union, intersection and complement of sets and their algebraic properties, Power set, Relation, Types of relations, Equivalence relations, Functions, One-one, into and onto functions, Composite functions, Inverse of a function.

    • Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations: Complex numbers as ordered pairs of reals, Representation of complex numbers in the form a+ib and their representation in a plane, Argand diagram, Algebra of complex numbers, Modulus and argument (or amplitude) of a complex number, Square root of a complex number, Triangle inequality, Quadratic equations in real and complex number system and their solutions.

    • Matrices and Determinants: Matrices, Algebra of matrices, Types of matrices, Determinant of a matrix, Basic properties of determinants, Adjoint and inverse of a square matrix, Applications of determinants in finding the area of a triangle.

    • Permutations and Combinations: Fundamental principle of counting, Permutations as an arrangement and combination as selection, Meaning of P(n,r) and C(n,r), Simple applications.

    • Mathematical Induction: Process of the proof by induction, motivating the application of the method by looking at natural numbers as the least inductive subset of real numbers, the principle of mathematical induction and simple applications.

    • Binomial Theorem and Its Simple Applications: Binomial theorem for a positive integral index, general term, middle term, properties of binomial coefficients and simple applications.

    • Sequences and Series: Arithmetic Progression (A.P.), Arithmetic Mean (A.M.), Geometric Progression (G.P.), general term of a G.P., Sum of n terms of a G.P., Infinite G.P. and its sum, Arithmetic-Geometric Series (A.G.S.), Sum of n terms of a finite A.P., Sum of n terms of a G.P. and infinite G.P. and their sums.

    • Trigonometric Functions: Positive and negative angles, Measuring angles in radians and in degrees and conversion between them, Definition of trigonometric functions with the help of unit circle, Signs of trigonometric functions, Domain and range of trigonometric functions and their graphs, Expressing sin (x + y) and cos (x + y) in terms of sinx, siny, cosx and cosy, Identities related to sin2x, cos2x, tan2x, sin3x, cos3x and tan3x, General solution of trigonometric equations of the type sin y = sin a, cos y = cos a and tan y = tan a.

This course is helpful for the following exams: Class 12

How to Prepare Sample Papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical?

Preparing sample papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical subjects for NEET can be a challenging task. However, with the right approach and resources, you can effectively prepare for the exam. EduRev, a renowned online learning platform, offers a comprehensive course specifically designed to help students excel in their NEET preparation.

Course Name: NEET Sample Papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical
Category: Exam Preparation

Here are some key points to consider when preparing sample papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical for NEET:

1. Understand the Exam Pattern: Before starting the preparation, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the NEET exam pattern. Familiarize yourself with the number of questions, marking scheme, and time duration for each section. This will help you structure your sample papers accordingly.

2. Focus on Syllabus Coverage: NEET is based on the Class 11 and Class 12 syllabus. Ensure that your sample papers cover all the important topics and concepts from the syllabus. This will help you assess your understanding and identify areas that require further improvement.

3. Include a Variety of Questions: To simulate the actual NEET exam, include a mix of multiple-choice questions, assertion-reasoning questions, and numerical-based questions in your sample papers. This will help you develop a comprehensive understanding of different question types and enhance your problem-solving skills.

4. Time Management: Time management is crucial during the NEET exam. When preparing sample papers, allocate a specific time limit for each section and try to complete it within that time frame. This will help you improve your speed and accuracy, which are essential for scoring well in NEET.

5. Analyze Previous Year Papers: Analyzing previous year NEET question papers can provide valuable insights into the exam pattern and the type of questions asked. Incorporate similar question patterns and concepts in your sample papers to familiarize yourself with the exam style.

6. Seek Expert Guidance: Enrolling in a comprehensive course like the one offered by EduRev can provide you with expert guidance and support. The course will provide you with access to well-structured sample papers, detailed explanations, and solutions to help you strengthen your knowledge and skills.

7. Regular Practice: Consistent practice is the key to success in NEET. Set aside dedicated time for solving sample papers regularly. This will not only help you identify your strengths and weaknesses but also improve your speed and accuracy over time.

In conclusion, preparing sample papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical subjects for NEET requires a systematic approach, thorough understanding of the exam pattern, and regular practice. By enrolling in the NEET Sample Papers course offered by EduRev, you can enhance your preparation and boost your chances of success in the exam.

Importance of Sample Papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical

Importance of Sample Papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical Course for NEET

Preparing for the NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) can be a daunting task, especially for Class 12 students pursuing the Medical and Non-Medical streams. To excel in this highly competitive exam, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of the concepts and the ability to solve complex problems efficiently. Sample papers play a crucial role in helping students prepare effectively for NEET, as they provide a simulated testing environment and aid in identifying areas of improvement.

Benefits of Solving Sample Papers:
1. Understanding the Exam Pattern: Sample papers give students a clear idea of the NEET exam pattern, including the number of questions, marking scheme, and time duration. This helps students familiarize themselves with the format and structure of the exam, reducing anxiety and improving their performance on the actual test day.

2. Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses: By solving sample papers, students can gauge their strengths and weaknesses in different subjects and topics. This allows them to focus their efforts on areas that require improvement, facilitating a more targeted and efficient study plan.

3. Improving Time Management: NEET is a time-bound exam, and efficient time management is crucial to answering all the questions within the stipulated time. Solving sample papers helps students practice time management skills, enabling them to allocate the right amount of time to each section and question. This helps in maximizing efficiency during the actual exam.

4. Enhancing Problem-solving Skills: Sample papers contain a variety of questions that require critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Regular practice with these papers enhances a student's analytical skills and equips them with the necessary techniques to approach complex problems effectively.

5. Boosting Confidence: Solving sample papers regularly builds confidence in students as they become familiar with the exam pattern, gain proficiency in solving different types of questions, and develop a better understanding of their strengths. This confidence is crucial in tackling the NEET exam with a positive mindset.

Why Choose EduRev's Sample Papers:
1. Comprehensive Coverage: EduRev's sample papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical courses are designed by subject matter experts, ensuring comprehensive coverage of the entire syllabus. These papers closely follow the NEET exam pattern, providing students with an authentic practice experience.

2. Accurate and Detailed Solutions: EduRev's sample papers come with accurate and detailed solutions, allowing students to understand the logic and approach behind each question. This helps in strengthening conceptual understanding and improves problem-solving techniques.

3. Multiple Practice Options: EduRev offers a wide range of sample papers, including topic-wise, chapter-wise, and full-length mock tests. This enables students to practice at their own pace and focus on specific areas as per their requirements.

4. Performance Analysis: EduRev's sample papers provide insightful performance analysis, highlighting areas of improvement and comparing the student's performance with peers. This helps in tracking progress and identifying weak areas that require additional attention.

In conclusion, solving sample papers is an integral part of preparing for the NEET exam. EduRev's comprehensive and well-designed sample papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical courses offer students a valuable tool to assess their preparation, improve problem-solving skills, and boost confidence. With regular practice and the right resources, students can enhance their chances of success in the NEET exam and pursue a rewarding career in the medical or non-medical field.

Sample Papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical FAQs

1. What is NEET?
Ans. NEET stands for National Eligibility cum Entrance Test. It is a national level entrance exam conducted in India for students who wish to pursue undergraduate medical and dental courses in government and private colleges.
2. Is NEET the only entrance exam for medical and dental courses?
Ans. Yes, NEET is the only entrance exam for undergraduate medical and dental courses in India. It is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on behalf of the Medical Council of India (MCI).
3. Can I appear for NEET after completing Class 12?
Ans. Yes, you can appear for NEET after completing Class 12. The eligibility criteria for NEET require candidates to have completed or be appearing in the qualifying examination (Class 12) with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology, and English as core subjects.
4. Are there any age restrictions for appearing in NEET?
Ans. Yes, there are age restrictions for appearing in NEET. The minimum age limit is 17 years as on December 31 of the year of admission, and the maximum age limit is 25 years for general category candidates. However, there is a relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST/OBC-NCL candidates.
5. How many times can I attempt NEET?
Ans. There is no limit to the number of attempts for NEET. You can appear for NEET as many times as you fulfill the eligibility criteria.
6. Is NEET applicable for admissions in all medical and dental colleges in India?
Ans. Yes, NEET is applicable for admissions in all medical and dental colleges in India, including government, private, and deemed universities.
7. What is the exam pattern of NEET?
Ans. NEET is a pen and paper-based exam consisting of multiple-choice questions. The exam is conducted for a duration of 3 hours and consists of 180 questions, with 45 questions each from Physics, Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology.
8. Is there negative marking in NEET?
Ans. Yes, there is negative marking in NEET. For every incorrect answer, one mark is deducted, and for every correct answer, four marks are awarded.
9. What is the syllabus for NEET?
Ans. The syllabus for NEET includes topics from Physics, Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology. The syllabus is based on the NCERT curriculum of Class 11 and Class 12.
10. Can I use a calculator in NEET?
Ans. No, the use of a calculator or any other electronic device is not allowed in NEET. Candidates are provided with a rough sheet for calculations.
11. Are there any dress code guidelines for NEET?
Ans. Yes, there are dress code guidelines for NEET. Candidates are required to wear light clothes with half sleeves and not to wear any accessories like earrings, nose rings, bracelets, etc.
12. Can I choose the exam center for NEET?
Ans. Yes, you can choose the exam center for NEET. The National Testing Agency provides the option to select the preferred exam center while filling the application form.
13. What is the minimum qualifying marks for NEET?
Ans. The minimum qualifying marks for NEET vary each year and are determined by the NTA. Generally, the minimum qualifying marks for general category candidates are around 50%, while for reserved category candidates, it is around 40%.
14. Can I get admission in a medical or dental college abroad through NEET?
Ans. Yes, some medical and dental colleges abroad accept the NEET score for admission. However, it is advisable to check the specific eligibility criteria of the college you are interested in.
15. Can I get a scholarship based on my NEET score?
Ans. Yes, there are various scholarships available for students based on their NEET score. These scholarships are offered by government organizations, private institutions, and other agencies. It is recommended to research and apply for scholarships that match your eligibility criteria.

Best Coaching for Sample Papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical

Looking for the best coaching for sample papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical for NEET? Look no further than EduRev, the leading online education platform that offers free online coaching and study material for NEET preparation. With EduRev, you can easily download PDFs of sample papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical, along with summaries and important chapters. Our sample papers are designed to align with the NEET exam pattern and syllabus, giving you the perfect opportunity to practice and improve your skills.

EduRev provides a wide range of resources for NEET exam preparation, including previous year papers, question papers, model papers, and mock tests. Our comprehensive test series and practice questions will help you assess your knowledge and identify areas for improvement. With our online coaching, you can access expert guidance and support from the comfort of your own home.

What sets EduRev apart is its user-friendly interface and extensive collection of study materials. Our platform is designed to cater to the specific needs of Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical students, making it easier for you to navigate through the content and find what you need. Whether you are looking for sample papers, study notes, or video lectures, EduRev has got you covered.

So, if you are looking for the best coaching for sample papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical for NEET, visit the EduRev website or download the app now. Start your NEET exam preparation with confidence and achieve your dream of becoming a successful medical or non-medical professional.

Tags related with Sample Papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical

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Course Description
Sample Papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical for Class 12 2025-2026 is part of Class 12 preparation. The notes and questions for Sample Papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical have been prepared according to the Class 12 exam syllabus. Information about Sample Papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical covers all important topics for Class 12 2025-2026 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes,examples, exercises test series, mock tests and Previous year questions (PYQs) below for Sample Papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical.
Preparation for Sample Papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical in English is available as part of our Class 12 preparation & Sample Papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical in Hindi for Class 12 courses. Download more important topics related with Sample Papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical, notes, lectures and mock test series for Class 12 Exam by signing up for free.
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Sample Papers for Class 12 Medical and Non-Medical
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