Given below are the essential difference in order to distinguish the two main types of cell division occurring in living organisms:
- The process of cell division which occurs for the replacement of the somatic cells (excluding sex cells), and is helpful in body repair mechanism and growth is known as mitosis. They are known to happen in case of vegetative reproduction or in asexual reproduction. On the other hand, the process of cell division known to occur for the production of sex cells like egg cells or sperm cells, and supports the sexual reproduction by the gametogenesis is called as meiosis.
Mitosis was discovered by Walther Flemming, while meiosis was discovered by Oscar Hertwig.
- Steps required to complete the cycle in mitosis are Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, but in case of the meiosis, where the division splits into two main stages like, Meiosis I – Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I; and Meiosis II – Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II and Telophase II.
- Mitosis occurs in somatic cells, and so there is no process of synapsis and crossing over, while meiosis happens in germ cells and synapsis and crossing over takes place of the Homologous chromosomes during meiosis I.
- As the primary purpose of mitosis is for the growth of the body so even after the cell division the genetic identity remains same even after the division.
- But in case of meiosis of genetic variation is noticed during division, as these cells are helpful in the production of sex cells.
Mitosis has only one nuclear division, no homologous chromosome are involved in the pairing, on the contrary meiosis has two nuclear division and pairing occurs of homologous chromosomes.
- Mother cell can be haploid or diploid, which give rise to only two daughter cells (diploid) in case of mitosis, but mother cell is always diploid and give rise to four daughter cells (haploid) in meiosis.
- The number of chromosomes remains same in mitosis, but the chromosome number is reduced by half in meiosis.
Nucleoli appears again in telophase, but chiasmata is absent even Karyokinesis takes place during interphase, but -Cytokinesis occurs during telophase in the mitosis, whereas in meiosis, nucleoli is absent in telophase I, chiasmata is seen during prophase I and metaphase I, even Karyokinesis takes place in Interphase I; Cytokinesis happens in Telophase I and II.
In mitosis the splitting of centromeres takes place during anaphase, Spindle Fibres completely disappear in telophase, while there is no such splitting of the centromere in anaphase I and II, and Spindle Fibres is present in telophase I.
- The duration of Prophase is short (of few hours only) and is a simple one in mitosis. On the other hand, the process is Prophase is complicated and is longer (it may last for days).
- Mitosis is functional at the time of cellular growth and active during the body repair and healing mechanisms. Meiosis plays a significant role in gamete formation and sexual reproduction and is active in maintaining the number of chromosomes.