The cultivation of crops brought about great changes in mans life. It ...
's way of life. With the ability to grow and harvest food, people were no longer solely dependent on hunting and gathering for survival. This led to the development of settled communities, as people could now stay in one place and tend to their crops.
As agriculture advanced, people were able to produce surplus crops, which allowed for trade and commerce to develop. This led to the formation of cities and the growth of civilizations. The cultivation of crops also allowed for the development of new technologies, such as irrigation systems, plows, and fertilizers.
The cultivation of crops also had a significant impact on social structures. With the ability to produce surplus crops, some individuals were able to specialize in other professions, such as craftsmen or traders. This led to the development of social classes and hierarchies.
Overall, the cultivation of crops brought about significant changes in human society and laid the foundation for the development of modern civilization.
The cultivation of crops brought about great changes in mans life. It ...
खेती की शुरुआत नवपाषाण काल में हुई। उससे पहले तक बे भोजन की तलाश में इधर-उधर भटकते रहते थे। खेती की शुरुआत होने के बाद स्थाई रूप से रहना शुरू कर दिया।