What is Land Degradation? Write any four human activities which are ma...
The change in the characteristics and quality of the soil, that adversely affects its fertility, is called land degradation.
The three human activities responsible for the land degradation in India are :
1. Deforestation : The cutting of tress by the people in India is one of the reasons of land degradation. It leads to the erosion of land and desertification and thus the land becomes waste or less fertile.
2. Over-Irrigation : This human activity also leads to land degradation. Over-Irrigation leads to water-logging and consequentially salinisation and alkalinisation of soli.
3. Land Pollution : The people in India dispose improperly their home wastes and industrial wastes and effluents which made the land waste and less fertile.
What is Land Degradation? Write any four human activities which are ma...
¶¶ Land Degradation: When land becomes barren, infertile for cultivation, it is called land degradation.
¶¶ factor are :
1)Excessive use of fertilizers , pesticides as it effects the fertility of the soil.
2) Over grazing, deforestation
3).Over irrigation increases the salt deposits in the soil
4)Mining-leaves deep scars and traces of over-burdening
5) Excessive practice of shifting cultivation