Whose speech on the budget in 1901 expounded nationalist economic theo...
G.K. Gokhale
Gopal Krishna Gokhale was an Indian political leader and a social reformer who was one of the founding members of the Indian National Congress. He delivered a speech on the budget in 1901, which expounded nationalist economic theory on the floor of the Imperial Legislative Council for the first time. The speech was a landmark event in the Indian freedom struggle, as it marked the beginning of the Indian nationalist movement's economic critique of British colonialism. Gokhale argued that India's economic underdevelopment was a result of British colonial policies, which had deprived India of its resources and stunted its growth. He emphasized the need for economic self-sufficiency and advocated for the development of Indian industry and agriculture. His ideas laid the foundation for the Swadeshi movement, which called for the boycott of British goods and the promotion of Indian products. Gokhale's speech was a significant moment in the history of Indian nationalism, as it marked the beginning of a new phase in the movement, which focused on economic empowerment and self-reliance.
Whose speech on the budget in 1901 expounded nationalist economic theo...
(Correct Answer:- B)
During the moderate politics, repeated issues like cotton excise and famines, it extends the focus on the economic matters, Gopal Krishna Gokhale's speech in 1901 on the budget, expounded nationalist economic theory on the floor of the Imperial Legislative Council for the first time.